toxic friends (requested)

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"Oh, crap. I didn't even notice the time." Chan spoke as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. "We should head out soon. We promised to spend some time with the boys tonight."

"Yeah, that's right. We have to get going." You explained to your friends.

"Oh, so soon?" One of them spoke and something about the way it fell from her lips made Chan's eyebrows furrow.

"We'll meet up again soon!" You promised before Chan placed some money on the table.

"Chan, I can cover our part of the bill." You said as you put your hand on his arm.

"I've got it, it's not a big deal." He said before kissing your cheek.

"If you're sure." You sighed as he nodded his head and grabbed your hand. "We'll see you again soon!'

"Bye!" Your friends all spoke as you and Chan walked out of the restaurant together, hand in hand.

You got into the car and he was about to start it and drive off to the dorm, only for you to stop him from doing so.

"Damn," You said.

"What is it?"

"I forgot my phone." You said. "I'll be right back."

"I'll go get it for you."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." He said before kissing your lips softly. "It's chilly outside. You stay in here, where it's warm."

He turned the heat up a little before he got out of the car and went back inside the restaurant.

He made his way over to the table where all of your friends were sitting but he froze on his feet when he heard them talking.

"I'm so happy she's gone." One of them sighed. "Every time we have to see her, I dread it."

"The only good thing about seeing her is that she brings Chan with her sometimes. How did she manage to land a guy like that when she looks like... that?"

Chan's heart dropped over the way they were talking about you.

"Next time we see her, we should suggest we all go to the gym together. She could use a lot of days at the gym."

They all burst into laughter.

"Chan will leave her someday soon when he comes to his senses because, god, she was dressed up in that beautiful outfit but she can't pull it off. Gross."

Chan cleared his throat, catching your friends' attention.

"Chan! Well, hello, there." One of them spoke as she reached out for his hand.

"Don't touch me." He said. "How dare you talk about Y/N that way!"

"Oh, come on, you know it's true."

"No, I don't. Because I think she's the most beautiful girl in the world. She doesn't need to change anything about herself. She's perfect just the way she is."

"You say that as if we're not sitting here?"

Chan grabbed your phone off of the table.

"Yeah, I did. Because my girlfriend is beautiful inside and out. I only see bitter, jealous girls with ugly personalities. Y/N deserves better friends and I'll make sure she finds them. Don't worry, you won't have to see her again. But it's your loss, not hers."

And with that, he stormed off.

You could tell something was wrong as soon as he got back in the car.

"Here, baby." He said as he handed your phone to you.

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