you have a bad day (requested)

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Stepping into your' and Chan's shared home, you noticed that it was empty and he hadn't arrived home from practice yet.

You weren't surprised by that since there's a comeback approaching and he's going to be pretty busy with the boys for a while as they work hard on perfecting everything.

Part of you felt grateful that he wasn't here because you know you're going to fall apart pretty soon and you don't want him to see you like that when it hits you.

You've been holding it back all day; the sadness that you bottled up and pushed down deep as negative words thrown at you at your workplace got the best of you.

You wanted to fall apart when you first heard them.

They made your mind wander and fill with self-doubt and misery.

It left you wondering if you were enough and made you overthink every little thing you say and do.

As much as you wanted to fall apart over these last several hours, you kept it all inside so no one would hear or see you cry.

You headed upstairs and changed out of your clothes and into one of Chan's shirts and a pair of pajama bottoms before crawling into bed.

As soon as you buried your face in the pillow, the tears started to fall as all the emotions and thoughts began to overwhelm you.

You couldn't hold back your sobs and let it all out as you began to feel safe enough to fall apart in the comfort of your bed with your boyfriend's scent on his shirt filling your lungs.

You were so lost in it all that you didn't hear Chan call out your name as he walked through the door nor did you hear his footsteps on the stairs as he made his way to the bedroom.

You had no idea that he was home until you felt his hand fall against your back ever so gently.

A gasp left your lips as you lifted your head from the pillow and looked to see him sitting beside you with a look of worry in his eyes.

"What's the matter?"

"When did you get home?" You sniffled and dried your eyes, only for more tears to fall as he pulled you into his arms.

"Tell me what happened. Why are you crying, baby?"

"I just had a bad day." You sniffled.

"I'm sorry." He whispered and kissed your head softly, his lips lingering for a few seconds as he rubbed your back comfortingly.

"I just feel as if I'm not good enough or doing enough sometimes. There were a lot of things said to me today because I made a couple of mistakes at work and it made me overthink."

"Baby, everyone makes mistakes from time to time. You're not perfect. No one is. Everyone messes up from time to time. I make mistakes too. The boys do too. Everyone does. No one deserves to get hurtful words thrown at them for it or to feel the way you do."

You pulled away a little and looked into his eyes as your lower lip trembled.

"Listen to me, sweet girl. You're more than good enough and you do your very best every single day. That is more than enough." He whispered. "Don't you ever let anyone make you feel bad about yourself because you're amazing just the way you are. You're beautiful and you're kind and you work so hard. I think you're perfect just as you are. Even if you make mistakes sometimes, which everyone does, you're still amazing. You're still more than good enough."

His words made your heart flutter and they were exactly what you needed to hear.

"Thank you." You said as he kissed your forehead. "You mean the world to me. Thank you for being here for me and for making me feel better. I love you."

"I love you too." He smiled. "Don't ever forget that. Don't forget what I told you either. I believe you in always and no matter what anyone else says or thinks, you will always be more than good enough. And, in my eyes, you're perfect. You always will be."

You kissed him softly as his fingers brushed along your skin ever so delicately.

"You're amazing, my girl. Don't ever forget that." He whispered as he pulled away, gently caressing your cheek.

"You are too, handsome. I feel much better now. Can we cuddle and you tell me about your day?"

"Absolutely." He happily said before laying down with you in his arms, promising to never let you go.

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