Chapter One

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He went into the portal to find himself- "Wake up Archer!" he could hear one kid yelling as he slowly opened his eyes. "Okay, I'm up. No need to yell," he said in a sleepy voice. He got out of bed, thinking of what had just happened. "It was a dream, but yet it felt so real," he mumbled to himself as he walked to the bathroom to get ready. The bathrooms here were dirty and he could barely get through in the morning with all the kids running around. As an orphan, noisy kids who didn't know how to keep their voices down always surrounded Archer. He finished getting ready and headed to the cafeteria for breakfast, still thinking about his dream.

He finished breakfast a little later and went outside to see what the other kids were up to. Archer felt bored because everyone his age was two years younger and played with their own group, so he went to the forest treeline to read. Because they restricted the children from entering the forest, Archer had to stay close to the beginning of the forest area. He started reading his book and suddenly a gust of wind came and blew off his hat into the forest. The hat was very valuable to him since his dad gave it to him before he passed away, so Archer had to go get the hat. After finding the hat, he picked it up. However, he noticed a light up ahead and decided to explore, hoping to go unnoticed by his caretaker.

He walked for what seemed like an eternity until he reached the light, only to discover it was a mirror. He looked in the mirror at his reflection. His dirty blonde hair was a mess from the gust of wind and his blue eyes were much brighter in the mirror. Then he saw it. He saw the portal from his dream and hoped it was still a dream, but before he could pinch himself, something pulled him through. Archer looked back to see the opening for the portal was closed and he got up. This is not the orphanage forest, he thought, looking around at the scenery. There were huge tall trees and mushrooms throughout the forest he was in. He began to walk around, calling for help or something, hoping there was someone out here. "This is useless," he said after walking around a bit. He yawned. It was getting late even though it hasn't felt long, so he decided to find somewhere and get some rest.

A/N: This is my first book ever and i will post the chapters as i finish them. I hope that you enjoyed the first chapter, the next one will probably be out by tomorrow evening

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