Chapter Six

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Archer woke up with a tremendous headache and people surrounding him. "Arch?" He knew that was Flora. "Archer, can you hear us?" another person asked. Archer got enough strength to sit up and look around him. He was on a cot in a small room filled with cabinets. There were three people surrounding the cot, looking worried. He recognized Flora and Darian but not the third person. "What happened?" He asked quietly. "We don't know" Said Darian "We heard a loud thump and when we got over there, you were knocked out. It looked like someone hit you on the head with something" He finished. "Oh" Archer said. "What do you remember?" The person he didn't recognize asked. "Uh well, I went over to a table to sit down because I couldn't read the books they were searching through. Then I found a purple book on a table in a language I could read and read it. The next thing I knew I was hit on the head." He answered. "What did the book say?" Flori asked. "Portail Vers Le Monde Humain" Archer replied. "What does that mean?" Darian asked. "Portal to the Human World" Flori whispered. "But there wasn't any book when we found you." She said, walking out of the room. "Where are you going princess?" Darian asked. "Do not follow me," she said as she walked away. "Wasn't planning on it" Darian mumbled to himself. "Well, I'll let you get some rest, you got hit on the head pretty hard" Darian said and walked out, leaving him and the other person in the room. The other guy was looking through the cabinet and Archer now knew that was probably the doctor. The doctor finished rummaging through the cabinets and came over to Archer with a vile of green sloshy liquid. Archer looked at the vile as the doctor handed it to him. "You must take this before I can let you go," he said. Archer gulped down the sloshy liquid. It tasted better than he thought. It was sweet with a hint of something like strawberries. Archer then took a nap for his pounding headache.

Archer woke up a few hours later, to the sound of whispering outside the door to the room he was in. He tiptoed to the door, put his ear to it and listened in on the conversation.

"We can't just execute the boy, he knows where the portal is." A woman said.

"It's our only choice. What if he already told Princess Florence?" A male voice added.

"He wouldn't have, or she would already search for the book."

"You knocked the boy out with a book and took it!" The man whispered loudly.

"Well, it was for the greater good, we can't let him know about the stuff in the book."

"He's going to figure out about his parents anyway so you might as well give him the book."

Archer then accidentally leaned against the door too much and pushed it open. The two people just looked at him and took off down the hall. Archer raced after them. "WAIT!" He yelled down the hall, they didn't bother to look back. Archer soon lost them around a corner and was out of breath, so he decided he should head back. Should I tell Flori?, he thought to himself, as he walked back to the room. Once he got back to the room, he saw Flori sitting on the bed as if she was waiting for him to be back. "Where were you Arch?" she asked, sounding concerned. Archer was trying to come up with an excuse. "Well, I um" is all he could say, then he noticed a girl beside Flora, "who's that?" he asked, pointing to the blonde-haired girl. "This is Wila." Flora said. "Why is she here?" He asked, not trying to sound rude. "Well, the thing is you guys are siblings." She said, slowly and calmly, to which Archer not so calmly yelled "WHAT?" He then slapped his hands over his mouth not knowing why he said that. "How? My parents are um" Archer looked down. "They aren't," Wila said, also looking down. It took a moment to realize what Wila had just said. "Wait, what do you mean they aren't?" He asked, confused. "I mean, like they are alive." She answered. "Where?" Archer asked, looking up from the floor. "That's the thing." Wila started, "I thought they were still in the human world with you. So now they could be anywhere here or in the human world still." Archer dropped his gaze back down to the floor, "oh" Wila stood up and gave him a hug. He hugged her back. "We will find them," She said. Archer let go of the hug, "I have something to tell you Flora".

A/N:Wow 801 words like 100 more than the last. ty for 46 reads and that's all. I am working on the next chapter now and will hopefully have it up soon

-XOXO Lexi

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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