Chapter Four

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Once they got to the forest, people started crowding Flora, and she ran off. Archer told Bill to stay by the group of people while he went after Flora. Archer went after her but lost where she went, so he walked until he heard crying in the distance. He followed the sound and found Flora sitting by a tree, crying. He went over to her and sat beside her. "So, Queen Anne was your mom?" he said, trying to start a conversation. "Yeah," she responded, sniffling still. "I'm sorry for your loss. I couldn't imagine having to take over a kingdom. I would do terrible,". Flora laughed at that. "By the way, I never got your name," she said, wiping the rest of the tears from her eyes. "Archer," he replied. "Well thanks, Arch, for coming and cheering me up,". He smiled and nodded, then he noticed she gave him a nickname and blushed. "Why are you blushing?" Flora asked, smiling. Oh crap, she noticed, he thought to himself. "Oh, um, it's just cold out here," he said. Flora just nodded, almost unconvincingly. "So, um, do you want to head back to everyone else?" Archer asked. Flora nodded, so he got up and held out his hand to help her up. Flora took his hand, and they headed back to everyone else.

Once they got to everyone else, Flora got surrounded again by people, asking about the Queen. "Everyone listen." She waited for it to quiet down. "Something terrible has happened to the queen and I will need you all to stay calm when I tell you." She continued, "The HornHog army has taken the life of our beloved queen, but I am hoping you will accept me as your new queen." Everyone started to whisper amongst themselves, then one person spoke up, "We will trust you, but how are we going to save the kingdom and keep you safe?". Archer looked to see who was speaking. It was a tall boy with dark skin and black hair. He also had brown eyes and almost looked angry. "We will flee to the safe house for now until we have figured out a plan together. We also will need a team of people that are willing to fight the enemy." Flora said, as if it was that simple. Archer knew this could be the worst decision of his life, but he wanted to help Flora and her kingdom. Flora started to lead everyone to the safe house and Archer pushed through to the front to be beside Flora. "You did great," he said, trying to comfort her. Tears fell from her eyes and she stopped. Archer thought she was just waiting for everyone because they were further behind, but that wasn't it. Flora turned to Archer and started crying, "I can't do this, I'm doing terrible and I don't even know how to keep my kingdom safe,". He looked at her and pulled her close into a hug, holding her tight and running his hand through her hair slowly. "Listen, you're going to do great and you have tons of people around to help you. I know you will save your kingdom, and I'm here to help." They stayed like that for a few minutes until everyone caught up, then they continued their walk to the safe house.

They got to the safe house after a few more minutes of walking. Once they got there, everyone settled into a cot. Some people rested, some were checking to see whom they lost to the enemies, and others were making sure everyone was alright. Archer went to find Bill since they got separated when he went after Flora. He found Bill sitting on a cot by some other people and went to sit with him until he heard someone call his name from behind him.

A/N: 642 words. Hope you like the story so far, I know it's not the best but again it's only my first book ever made and published on here so i'm proud-XOXO Lexi

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