Chapter 2

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Evan runs downstairs with Cassie close on her heels. The two girls awoke to the sound of glasses clanking in the bar below, the bar is closed at nine o'clock in the morning. "What the hell?" Cassie asks only half-awake. The boys standing behind the bar with alcohol pressed to their lips stop as soon as they spot them. "Carter, Cam, what are you doing drinking at nine in the morning?" Evan asks the boys as she hops onto the bar.

"We need one after the job from last night." Cameron tells them before he leans over and gives Evan a quick kiss. "What did you two idiots do?" Cassie asks leaning forward on the bar, "Well, we were at another bar late last night and the Russians decided to kick everyone out. So, naturally, we started a bar fight." Cameron explains with Carter continuing the story, "We were actually joined by two Irish men too, kicked the shit out of the Russians. They left with their asses on fire we'll tell you that much."Evan rolls her eyes before getting down from the counter, "C'mon Cassie, we need to change."

The girls come back down in something more comfortable instead of their pajamas. "Finally, I was starting to wonder what was taking so long!" Carter exaggerates throwing his arm around his other brothers' girlfriend. "Whatever, where's Charlie?" Cassie asks giving the brown eyed boy a puppy look. "He's at home trying to get over the hangover, and wishing he hadn't drank the whiskey he did." Carter gave in to the brunette and the three watched as she left to take care of her boyfriend. "Did I ever mention how much I hate being the fifth wheel?" Carter tells the couple he's left with. "Get a girl and you won't feel that way." Cameron replies as he leads Evan upstairs to the apartment above McGinty's bar.

*Switching to past tense for a minute*
Carter knew his older brother was saying this in a good-hearted nature, but he couldn't help but want to tell him that he can't get the girl her wants because she's taken. Carter couldn't tell his brother that the girl that he was so desperately in love with was, in fact, the girl that he was dating. He knew that being in love with his brothers' girlfriend was a dickish thing to do, but he couldn't help his feelings. Carter was in love with his brothers' girl.

*Back to present tense*
Carter sighs before downing the glass of vodka he'd poured a little while ago. He pours himself another drink and plops down on a bar stool.

Evan laughs loudly from Camerons' fingers tickling her sides, "Stop, it hurts! It hurts!" Evan cried in between fits of laughter. Cameron stoppes, but kisses her immediately. She giggles and wraps her arms around his neck, Cameron slides his hands underneath her shirt making his fingers dance across her stomach. Evan knows what he wants, but instead of letting his hands move up further she moves them away from her bare skin by lacing her fingers with his. Cameron starts getting frustrated at her keeping him from touching her and pulls away.

"What's wrong?" He asks tilting his head to the side, obviously asking about not having sex. Evan rolls her eyes before she gets up off of the couch, "I'm not ready, Cameron. You're gonna have to wait." Cameron runs his hands messily over his short haircut before he grabs his jacket off of a dining room chair. "Where are you going?" "I can't do this. I have needs and you're not meeting them." Cameron left showing no regrets at breaking up with Evangeline.

She walks down into the bar to find a tipsy Carter. "What're you drinking for?" Evan asks walking behind the bar and grabbing a bottle of whiskey. "My brother's a douche and doesn't care about his family. He only cares about himself." Carter replies talking about his older brother, Cameron. "Amen! I'm actually kinds glad it's over." Evan tells him taking a swig of the caramel liquid. "You broke up?" "Nah, he ended it cause I wouldn't sleep with him." She takes another swig then launches into exactly happened a few minutes prior; taking sips and sharing the bottle of whiskey with Carter.

*Past tense again*
It took the whole bottle for the two to be laughing, and talking about nothing and everything. Evan leaned over and meant to kiss Carters' cheek, but he turned his head causing her to kiss him full on the lips. Carter didn't break away, but neither did Evan. He deepened the kiss by standing up and pulling her closer to him. Evans hands found the hair at the nape of his neck, and tugged at it gently. The two didn't stop, they went further, and further into the forbidden area. They, finally, landed in her bed, clothes started coming off, and the two became closer than they had ever been.

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