3. the challenge?

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In the royal gardens of Hastinapur, Balarama sat down under a tree, enjoying the natural beauty of the gardens.

The beautiful plants, animals, and insects, along with the soft breeze, filled him with peace.

He loved being in nature, and so did his Krishna.

"Where was he, by the way?" Balarama thought.

After he had managed to stop the bickering princes, he had found Krishna smiling at a baffled Karna.

He was 100% sure that Krishna had a part to play in Karna's miserable state.

The author scoffs. "Yeah, yeah, Dau, you're right. Remember the mind-reading part?"

From then on, our dear Karna was baffled.


Arjuna entered his mother's chambers to find Kunti's face still pale.

"Mata," Arjuna's sudden voice startled Kunti as she came out of her thoughts.

"Yes, Putr?" she asked, hiding whatever pain she had in her mind.

"Are you okay? I was so busy fighting with Karna that I failed to notice that you were sick.

Haven't you had anything this morning? Or is there anything else that is bothering you?"

Arjuna's question brought tears to her eyes.

She didn't know what to say to her Parth.

She decided to go with the first question's answer as she said, "Er, Putr, I was so excited to see your fight, I forgot to have my meals today."

Arjuna smiled but then turned serious.

"Mata, I don't want you to fall sick because of us sons. Okay? Please have your meals correctly."

Kunti nodded her head with a relieved smile.

"Where's Karna, Putr?"

"He's talking with the prince," Arjuna said, referring to Krishna.

"Oh, him? Hm."

"Mata, the prince never revealed his kingdom but says you might know him and his friend/brother?" Arjuna asked, confused.

Kunti had received a scroll from her brata Vasudev, revealing that his sons, Krishna and Balarama, were coming to Hastinapur to witness the Kala Pradarshan and to stay with her for a few weeks.

He had described how they'd look like.

Kunti had received the scroll, unfortunately after the Kala Pradarshan was over.

She wanted to meet them both and twist their ears for playing with her.

But she wanted to meet her firstborn before anyone else.

She wanted to talk to him, not as his mother, but at least, she wanted a place like his mother, whomever that lucky woman would be...

"Mataaa," Arjuna's whine brought her back to the present.

"Where are you lost? I was calling you for minutes."

"Nothing, Putr. I was just thinking about the two princes," Kunti said with a smile.

"The dark-skinned one was right, I know them, maybe." She smiled.

"Tell me, Mata? Who are they? How are they related to you?"

"That is a surprise for all of you, my lovely Putr. I will introduce them in front of everyone tomorrow," Kunti said and smiled.

Arjuna pouted as he rested his head on his mother's lap.

"mending bonds", the changed epic, book 1✔️Where stories live. Discover now