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I watched the guy from the other side of the bar, sipping cooly at the beer in the hands. He'd been there for a few minutes now and looked almost lost in the crowded club. He'd taken one sip of his whisky and all the old faggots walking up to hit on him were met with pure uncomfortable silence.

I took the time to look him over, not too picky about checking out the bartender either which kept given eyes. It was my first official night in town after all, no sense in settling down right away.

The man was a clean cut guy, no pot belly or roles in sight. He wore a fine suit. Not Richie Rich but like it was part of his routine or something.

He was stocky enough, not surprising for his age which must've been in his 40s. But he was fit and attractive compared to the overwhelming amount of desperate twinks crowding the club that bordered on repulsive. I thought I was kinky. You have never known kink until you've fucked one of those.

Never again.

"Hey!" I called over the music his way, trying my luck. It wasn't like anyone else was making the cut. Plus if I got shot down, was pretty confident what's his face behind the bar wouldn't mind being tossed around the workplace.

Of course I got no response so I took the liberty of taking up the empty seat beside him. "Hey man, get me another?" The barte- Emilio, the name tag read, passed it accordingly. I gave him an easy smile which had him eager to rush off to another customer.

"Hey man, I'm new to the city. Could I ask you something." It took a second to soak in, partially because of the loud crappy electro music booming in the club. The man looked my way, seeming to size up what my intentions were exactly. The guardedness seemed to drop a little then.

"Uh, never been to one of these clubs before. Not really my scene. Was just wondering if it's always like this?" I gave a hesitant look around, making a show of how out of my depth I seemed to be. The sympathetic look on his face said he'd bought it.

"I wouldn't know, kid. It's not mine either." I tried not to wince at the nickname. Nice to know I'm young, I guess. "Sorry if it's not all you were expecting. I get the disappointment. What are you looking for exactly?"

"I don't know, man. Just wanted to step out of my comfort zone a bit. Say the best way to learn to swim is like..deep end first or something." I glanced around nervously, nodding to one of the wrinkly guys eying us like we were on his list. Of lays or kills, you honestly couldn't tell. "Yeaah. Think I'm drownin a bit."

The man gave a look displeased enough the guys way to have him looking anywhere else. I tried not to grin. "People like to talk but trust me, this crowd is not all it's cracked up to be. You should stick to meeting real people."

I smiled a little, looking his way a bit. That seemed to catch his eye well enough. "Place isn't all bad." He looked taken aback. I swore I could see interest in his eyes but it left as he shook his head.

"I'm Iker. Nice to meet you." None of that sentence was a lie. My first name is Iker. Not really a suprise why I refer to people with my middle but the man seemed like he would appreciate the formalness. Not to mention asking his name directly might seem like a pick up even though that was the entire reason I'd walked over.

"Mm. Robert." He nodded, lacking hesitation. The ground work had been laid but he seemed to hesitate at the thought of touching me. I gave a friendly enough smile that he accepted the firm handshake presented to him. "Haven't met a lot of men with a name like yours."

I shrugged a little, sipping at my beer. I might not be dressed for the part I was playing given the muscle t and tight jeans but he didn't seem to doubt my humbleness. It wasn't like I was faking. Just understanding who it is I'm talking to, that's all. He was enjoying himself and so was I.

"There are plenty more interesting things about me, Robert." I said sincere, eyes meeting his after a moment, the flashing colors of the club lights tinting his pale skin. Shit. He was real handsome, wasn't he?

I hadn't realized I'd lost myself a bit. When I snapped out of it, he was reaching for his drink. His lips met the chilled glass, half the liquid slipping down his throat. Well the slackin paid off at least.

"I don't doubt that." He said after a moment, still contemplative. He looked me over again, hesitant. It only took my smile to reassure him, allowing him to relax in his seat.

Yeah, I definitely wasn't faking it. Cause something told me I was getting lucky tonight.

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