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"ROBERT! The kids bleeding!" I shouted, squatting down a few feet from her.

She looked a little nervous. Shit. I've done some lifeguarding over the summers back in high school, needed to save up for a laptop for collage. I can tell if it's bad, I'd just need to get a look.

"Hey r- Luna. I'm a friend of your dads. I know I just stormed in here but I'm not like a robber or something."

"How can I know?"

"Um.." Fuck, how could she? "Your dad told me you punched a kid. Nice job."

She smirked a little at the praise. "Are you hurt? Can I look at your head?" She contemplated but held out a pinkie. "Promise your not bad?"

I think my heart just died.

I gripped a careful pinkie with hers. "Swear." She pulled her hand from her head.

"Keep still, okay? Don't touch anything." I kept talking to her. She didn't seem freaked out at all. With no one around, she'd barely recognized she'd gotten hurt. If someone was around to react I don't doubt a siren would be erupting from her no problem.

"It's not deep. But you hit your head pretty good." Wether or not the inside is busted, that's not my job. Just need this bleeding to stop. "Can you come with me to the kitchen so I can help you?"

She nodded, holding her arms out to be carried. I felt a little awkward about picking up a random kid so I took her hand, leading her to one of the chairs. She scooted on the best she could.

"Have you seen a red emergency box anywhere?" I put a plus sign with my fingers and she understood then, suddenly eager. "Bathroom!" Shiiit, I know kids. I smiled proud which caused a giggle.

"Hey- what the fuck happened?" Robert appeared out of nowhere, looking frantically around me like Luna was attached to my side or something.

"Just saving your kids life." I scowled. That was probably the wrong thing to say when he suddenly looked very panicked. "She's in the kitchen." I shoved him along, opting instead for the first aid.

When I rushed back with the stuff, Luna was already on her dads lap with a towel pressed to her head.
"Was a lifegaurd, I've got it." I stated at his obvious confusion. Seeing his daughter with blood staining her my little pony shirt, he must've taken my word for it.

"You don't need stitches but you are gonna have a badass scar."

"Hey." Rob warned at the language. I gave Luna a look which had her giggling. "I'm gonna clean it. It's gonna sting, okay? You got this, right?" She nodded then nodded firmer when I repeated with more encouragement.

Her eyes shone a little at the end and a tear slid down her cheek but she held together just fine. "Your good." I reassured, setting the bandages and securing them with medical tape.

"Are you okay? Do you feel funny?" Rob turned his daughter to the side on his lap so he could see her face. His brows creased in worry. "I'm fine." She said, already wanting to go play.

She attempted to rush off but in his worry, Rob instructed her to sit with her little dolls at the table a distance away so she wasn't out of sight again.

I started cleaning up the blood while he did his parent shit. I honestly don't know what I'm still doing here but it's not like I have my phone back, right? That's a good excuse. Not like I'm freakin out over some dudes child. Obviously.

He stepped into the living room a moment later. "Where is my coffee table?" I gestured with a thumb before continuing to scrub the blood from the carpet. This thing is fucked so why am I on my knees like a bitch.

"The..mountain of blankets?" I glanced up. There was deadass all the duvets I could find on that thing.
"Yeah." I said simply, meeting his gaze. "It's a fucking death trap. Ain't you the parent?"

He shook his head, rubbing at his eyes after a moment. "I got a call."

"And?" I stood. That didn't sound right.

"Some kid shot up Lunas school." I froze a little, unsure what to say. Like..? "Talked to some of her friends parents. They don't have any news yet and their panicking and..sorry. You don't need to hear this." Well that was my answer I guess.

"Shit." I wanna hug him so bad right now. Seeing his kid all bloody must not have helped much. I sighed a little, tense. "You gonna tell her?"

"I don't know. Just see what happens. Probably homeschooling her for the rest of her life." He rubbed at his neck, glancing instinctively back to his clueless child.

"Thank you." He said after moment. It was quite and slow but it was there. "Your a..good kid." I grimaced. Friend zoned and kid zoned. Fuckin Christ.

"Sure. But you better drop that table before a drop it for you." That had him smiling a little despite his clear pain.

"It was my moms and I keep meaning to get rid-

"Shut the fuck up man." I gripped his neck lightly, grinning. He laughed, shaking his head. It took a second for us to realize how close we were.

"Hey." Rob hesitated, eyes stuck on mine. Shit, his are green. Never noticed that before. He remembered suddenly, my phone revealed from his pocket a second later. He noticed how I didn't take it and sighed.

"You should go, Pablo." I like how he says my name. Like he's already missing me. I'm a sexy lifeguard, I know. All I'm missing is the lack of clothes.

"You don't mean that." I said deeply, looking him over. He couldn't meet my gaze. He looked a little guilty. But after a moment, he slid my phone back into his suit and I couldn't stop the grin on my lips.

"Just this once. For Luna."

The kid pulled through. I'm in.

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