<1.> Everlasting Love.. 🥰

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1). B). Everlasting Love.


Dilnaaz entered in to their place and found her whole gang there. Trio brothers were sitting on couch which Hoor was sitting on the bed waiting for her.

As she walked in, Hoor ran to her and hugged her tight. She started crying "Appi, don't go far from us like this please. You know we need each other right?? "

Dilnaaz's heart broke as her little girl cried in her arms and she saw how she was hurting others when they aren't even at fault. She broke the hug and wiped her tears.

"I am sorry Hoor. " Naaz said patting her head and Hoor shook her head saying "don't cry please. " Dilnaaz wiped her own tears too and turned to trio boys.

Aazam and Yahya came ahead as she walked to them. Yahya said "Appi, Did you really let that idiot's words effect you like that? I was so happy when you have punched him hard to shut him up but the way you reacted after coming home, you scared us! "

Dilnaaz felt horrible hearing those words as his eyes were getting wet too. She knew she is wrong but only she know that half of the reason why she wasn't coming out was her messed up emotion. But how can she tell it to all when she hasn't confessed to anyone.

Eventhough she think that he didn't share those feelings for her but the truth can't be denied that she has pure feelings for him, no matter how hard she tries. Although that day the moment they shared was not intentional but those words of Zubair has made her feel like she has committed a serious crime.

Her tears streamed down her face as she contemplate how to reply her little brother.

Aazam who was looking at her untill now came ahead and patted her head like an elder brother eventhough he is younger. "Our bond is not that weak that anyone can ruin it, right?? We won't let anyone do so, their dirty thoughts shouldn't be effecting us, you know?! " Aazam said softly trying to make her understand that nothing was wrong between them. They knew their limits and have always stand together with it, so no one is allowed to point finger at it.

Dilnaaz nodded her head looking at him like a little girl feeling blessed to have these people around her.

"I am sorry guys. I won't do such things again I promise. " Naaz said looking at everyone and her eyes stopped at the person whom she was avoiding the most.

The trio look at both of them and understood what has to be done. Aazam silently signalled them and they went to balcony attached to room, to let them have a chance to talk without leaving them alone there.

Zeeshan was feeling grateful for having such understanding siblings. He sighed as his gaze met hers and he said "Come, sit."

Dilnaaz walked and sat on bed in front of him and didn't dare to look up. "Do you really think that what we has untill now was an impure relationship, by anyway?"

"No way, Shaan bhai?!! " She replied in a bit of high voice instatly, as she never thought of it that way. Although the word bhai wasn't of his liking, he was happy to hear those words from her like that.

"Then let's be like we were always, okay? We should let people know that their dirty thought can't ruin our precious bond. We aren't that weak, right? " Zeeshan asked softly and Dilnaaz looked at him with innocent eyes. She wants to be like that back again badly too and people's words aren't being that much effective on her but how can she say that being with him always remind him she has such precious feeling for him and that each time they stays same like before, she felt like she is betraying him and breaking his trust.

Zeeshan on the other hand was no different. He knew what his feelings are for her but didn't have an idea about hers, so he felt same too but at that time what he wanted is to bring her back to life like before even if it has to be in their bro-sis mode, than still he is ready to supress his feelings for her.

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