<•2•>Undivulged Love!

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Undivulged Love.

She walked down the stairs came into the back garden where many children were playing happily. Her heart melted at the site as their laughter filled the air surrounding her. Aah! She missed this place so much.

It feels so good to be back in your own country! She is back after four years.

She walked to them and noticed a boy around 3 or 4 years of age standing near a slide and looking all around with puzzled face. His head turning here to there as if he was trying to find someone, she walked towards him.

Reaching to him, she tapped on his shoulder to gain his attention but to her surprise he jumped a feet away almost stumbling back. His face looked tensed as he gazed at her and took another step back when she called. "Hey! What's your name? "

He shook his head and turned, ready to run away when she noticed the rocky place at his back foot and pulled him before he could fall. He fall on her as she lost her balance, eventually falling on the ground too.

Her heart thudded loud as the boy clinged onto her dress burying his face in her as she held him protectively, being glad that nothing happened to him.

He finally looked up feeling himself safe and she stared at his innocent eyes swerling with different kind of emotion. She just smiled at him as he whispered "Jaza-kallahh!"

The word was a bit difficult for him to speak but she understood and smiled more warmly as the both sat up, he slided off of her arms.

"Hassan! Are you alright? " They heard an anxious voice as she was going to ask him his name.

She turned her head to side as the boy ran to the person calling "Abbu??!! "

Her eyes went wide as she stood up and came face to face with the person, his abbu! Her heart jumped inside as their eyes met. "Haider bhai! " She whispered, shocked to find him there still same like before.

"Abbu! " Hassan's call break their trance as he looked at his boy with a sweet smile and she stood their rooted looking at his happy face, she hasn't ever witnessed this sight ever, even though they were in front of each other for more than ten years!

"She...Safe me! " Hassan said thinking quite hard to adjusted his sentence as Haider took him in his arms and looked at him trying to give him, his complete attention.

"Oh really?! " He asked while adjusting his hair and his boy nodded his head quickly, his upset mode long forgotten.

Haider turned to her who was still processing the fact that he was standing there happily with his baby in his arms, "Thanks.....Shifa! "

Her mind went haywire as she heard him calling by her name after that pause. She doesn't even remember when did she last heard him calling her by her name. Still! It gave a tingling feeling inside her. She just nodded her head looking downwards and was going to say something when her phone rang.

A big smiled appeared on her face looking at the ID and she quickly picked up turning her back to them.

"Assalamu alaikum! "

"Of course! I am back. "

"As if! Without me, will the wedding even happen? I am the main person you know!"

"Tauba!!! Shut up you idiot. I am already in our city, will meet you tomorrow probably, InshaAllah. "

She talked happily on the phone and finally turned back to him who wasn't there anymore as if he never was.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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