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Big ass timeskip 💀 ☠️ 💀 ☠️ 💀 


"So that's what the mark is." Sachi said as she looked down at her paw, the beaver card still burning in her paw as she still felt worried but didn't show much of it. "That's cool!" Luffy said as Sachi kicked him in the side of his head "It's nor! It's slavery you idiot!" She hissed. Soon enough, both of their stomachs rumbled as they were clearly hungry. "Hungry?" Boa asked as she was still facing them. "Mary, make arrangements for Luffy and Sachi to join us as special guests at the banquet. " She asked her sister. Mary and her other sister gasped. "Are you sure?" "A man and...cat attending our banquet?" "Do I make myself clear?c" Boa looked up at both if them. "Ah yes..." they both said as they looked down at both of them as Luffy stood with Sachi on his shoulder. "What kind of banquet?"  Granny Nyon turned around and looked at him "a special banquet to the Kuja pirates safe return to show appreciation  and honor their successful haul." "So the kind with tons of foods to eat right?" Luffy said as he grinned looking over at Sachi. "I don't mind." Sachi said. "Those are my favorite! Alright, banquet!" He cheered.

"It's dinner time! Bring on the food! Banquet!" "Shut up!"  Sachi said as she could barely take in a bite or a piece from Luffy's food he was shoving in his mouth. As the Kuja's spoke about Luffy and Sachi, they were still eating but sachi was more silent, listening in on them. "This will ne their last meal!" A Kuja said before stopping the others as Luffy looked around confused. They charged at him before he could ask. "Why isn't anyone singing!" He whined  before banging the lattle (laddle?) With the pan and began singing like Brook did as the Ladies giggled.

Later on, Luffy did the silly stick thing with his nose and mouth, making a couple of Kuja's do it with him. Sachi tried to bat the chop stick out as she wobbled on his shoulder as he danced  and had fun. Afterwards, luffy still ate beside Sachi before a lady handed him a bowl before his face got stretched. Sachi hissed at them, making them let go and pull back away. A Kuja told luffy that a lot of people wanted to touch him and sachi, more of pull on luffy. Soon enough luffy got bombarded with girls pushing through trying to touch him as Sachi ran ahead from luffy and them.

Luffy and Sachi found themselves on a roof with Marguerite. "What the hell is wrong with them..." luffy Muttered. "Get down" Sachi and Margaret said. They then jumped roof from roof with her as Luffy carried a big piece of meat and Sachi carried their beaver cards and more. "I was real worried when you turned to stone' he spoke. "But then you protected all of us back in the arena. I  heard all about it" she leaned in smiling at them both. "Both of you are my heroes" She tilted her head to the side, eyes shut. Sachi jumped off of his shoulder then shifted back, she was clearly shook by those words; she hasn't heard them in a while. "Thanks" "hm? Hehe!" Luffy grinned widely.

"Hey bee!" Luffy said as he stampeded in with the meat as Sachi was behind him.. "so granny, you like reading newspapers?"

"Wait a second, she's a warlord?" He said as food was getting stuffed in his mouth. "The snake princess." "WHAT!?" Luffy yelled.  "Shes...one of the warlords?" Lufffy asked. "Of course she is!" Sachi yelled.  "You're a pirate surely you know who all the warlords are. " nyon said. "Yeah." "Ugh, don't you even read newspaper?" "Nope. I sure dont." Luffy said as he swallowed. "It's better not to." Sachi said as she curled up in his lap. "Why?" Luffy asked, confused how to act to Sachi laying in his lap.

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