Chapter Five

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Draco Malfoy didn't like surprises. He also didn't like change. So imagine his surprise when he walks into the head dorm to see Hermione and Harry Potter curled up together on the couch. Draco had to admit to himself it was inconceivable that she had started dating one of the two buffoons she spent all her time with. And then Draco started to consider that he may like Hermione Granger more than he should. 

He had caught himself staring at her more often, admiring her. He was now confident he knew more about Hermione Granger than he should. She liked Earl Gray tea in the mornings with milk and no sugar. And she only ever drank one cup. She enjoyed herbal tea and consumed inordinate amounts on the daily. When she found something difficult, her tongue would stick out. When she was studying, her nose would occasionally twitch. When she was reading her right foot tapped the floor every time she turned a page. Scrambled eggs were her favourite but she hated eggs to have runny yolks. She liked jam and cheese on her toast in the mornings. She would drink two glasses of water with each meal.

And then his brain decided to hold out hope that Harry and Hermione were not together and just very close friends. And then he promptly realised he was being desperate.

He looked over to the couch and saw Harry's green eyes staring back. Harry then with the utmost gentleness and skill, as if he had done it a thousand times, lifted Hermione off himself and extricated himself from the couch. And Draco decided that made him angry. And then he decided he didn't have the right to be angry.

The two men stood awkwardly not knowing what to say. Then Harry, when Draco had transitioned from Potter was beyond him, smiled softly.

"Thanks for taking care of her Draco."

And he found himself inexplicably pleased that Harry was calling him Draco.

"I-" And Draco would curse himself forever to the depths of hell for this, "Are you and Granger together, like dating, like fucking?" He clamped his mouth shut going a bright red. The other boy merely looked amused.

"No, not as far as I was aware," He paused carefully looking at Draco, "Though it seems you have a different opinion."

"I walk in and you're bloody spooning on the bloody couch right in public."

"I-," Harry made a vague gesture and shifted uncomfortably, "We've been through everything together. We bring each other comfort. She's my best friend and nothing else so you have nothing to worry about."

Draco gave Harry an affronted glare, though looking back Draco had to admit that he, Draco, was an insufferable prat who didn't know how to tell a girl he liked them.

"Why would I worry about you being with Hermione?"

Harry, to his credit, didn't look surprised or embarrassed but very amused.

"Come off it Draco. You want her. She wants you. Get over whatever insufferable pratness remains and be together. She's better, I- she- she's better."

Harry looked wistful. Then he directed an incredibly soft look towards Hermione. And Draco felt the urge to hug Harry to comfort him. If asked later Draco would deny this happened and if pressed he would claim Harry had forced him into a hug. So Draco hugged him and thanked whoever was up there that Harry hugged him back otherwise Draco would have felt extremely awkward. And then a new voice cut in.

"Aww now boys I feel left out."

Harry and Draco pulled apart. Draco's cheeks flushed as if they had been engaging in some prohibited action. Harry, however, looped on arm around Draco's waist, smirked and said "We have been waiting for the right moment to tell you." Then kissed a stunned Draco square on the mouth. Hermione grinned. Draco didn't know what to do so he just stood, then abruptly he realised Harry's arm was still around his waist so he moved about a foot away. Hermione watched him and burst out laughing.

"So, do either of you want lunch, or have you gotten to that already?" She waggled her eyebrows suggestively making Harry roll his eyes and Draco turn a darker shade of pink.

"Lunch would be great, Hermione."

Draco moved to the table making sure to pick the seat furthest away from Harry. That boy was scary in all sorts of ways.

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