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Sonics pov

In case your wondering what I requested, I asked the doctor if he can change my eyes to blue. He knew a surgeon that could and he did my eyes in a instant. My second request is changing my blue fur to indigo. I wanted to lay low and start a new. The doctor had a point. If I work and being under Dr. Sparrows therapy I would possibly find redemption. The next day I was released but I had to wait on Dr. Sparrows arrival. I changed into comfortable clothes. At the lobby; I had a little chat with the doctor and one of my old teachers (who was a nurse). I wanted to talk to them about those two girls I saw.

What I found out shocked me to my core.

Normal pov

Sonic sat on one of the lobby chair. He sighed deeply. The nurse felt awful and said, "Sonic. I felt awful. The whole school felt stupid for believing that. In fact the whole school owes you an apology for thinking your a drug seller and everything. Even me."

Sonic replied in a little cold tone, "You and the whole school are too late to say sorry. There's nothing either of you can do now."

The nurse looks down as the doctor said, "Hey no one can say forgiveness can be done straight away."

Sonic asked, "What do you know about those two girls doctor? Where are their parents?"

The doctor answered in a professional tone, "Well, their orphaned." Sonic asked, "You mean, that blue hedgehog girl has no parents?"

The nurse asked curiously, "Your speaking of Janice Valentine?" Sonic asked in confusion, "Janice?"

The doctor answered him, "Of course Mr He...I mean Mr. Olgivie. That girl is named Janice. Her parents were killed by that possum you saved her from. Hell knows why he did it is beyond me. The poor child is so young."

Sonic sighed deeply and said, "Oh God, Thats awful. I feel so bad for her."

The doctor answered, "We all do." Sonic asked, "So she has no other relatives?"

The doctor shook his head before he said, "Yeah. Some of them disappeared or died."

Sonic then asked, "So what about that little echidna girl I saw in the hallway?"

The doctor answered, "I don't share info but for you I can make an exception. You know Shade The Echidna right?"

Sonic answered his question, "Yes. She was my friend since 2'nd grade. Why? What happened?"

The doctor answered sadly, "She passed away in an accident about two months ago. The girl is her daughter 'Cassie'."

Sonic asked, "Doesn't she have a father? What happened?"

The doctor answered, "Well she got knocked up before you were framed and went to jail. After Cassie's birth she had to work and drop out of school. She was the one who cleared your name and everything."

Sonic was shocked. She was the one who did it. Not Knuckles or anyone.

He was shocked before he asked, "What about her Dad?" The doctor answered, "He abandoned her and Shade last year."

Sonic asked, "What kind of father does that?" The doctor felt uneasy before he said as he showed him a photo, "Well to be honest if I tell who the father is in a question type way. Well, guess who knocked up Shade?"

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