Chapter 11

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In the dim classroom, I felt this never-ending hunger

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In the dim classroom, I felt this never-ending hunger. I sat at a polished desk, somehow still feeling the weight of tiredness from my emotions from this morning.

Lyra was lecturing me about something, I wasn't paying attention, as I grappled with my tiredness. She was pacing, the trailing hem of her dress, and the old leather-bound book in her hands.

My ability to concentrate had dwindled to almost nothing. Her words blurred together, merging into an indistinguishable stream of dates, names, and events. Frustration bubbled within me as I mumbled my anger under my breath. "Why does any of this even matter?"

Lyra halted her pacing, her gaze fixing on me with discerning eyes. "Caleb, history is our legacy," she responded, her voice carrying weight.

Your legacy not mine.

I leaned back, rolling my eyes in exasperation. "What's the point? It's not like any of this will make me accept... this nightmare you've dragged me into."

Lyra closed the book with an air of finality, her demeanor shifting. "Caleb, every new vampire grapples with their identity. Knowing our history is a part of understanding who we are now."

"And what if I don't want any part of this?" I retorted, my frustration clear. Why can't she just understand!

Lyra's smile made me want to wipe it from her face. "That's not an option. Whether you like it or not, this is your reality now. And part of that reality is understanding where we come from. You're not the first to resist, and you won't be the last. But in time, acceptance comes."

I glared at her. "I don't need acceptance. I need freedom. Freedom from this, from you."

She approached me, the space between us diminishing, and her expression softened. I shrink more into my seat. "Caleb, by embracing who you are now, you free yourself from the chains of resentment and anger."

I looked away, unwilling to meet her gaze, my heart heavy, but anger unchanging. That didn't make any sense, I was taken from my life. "You say that as if it's so easy."

Lyra reached out, her hand gentle as it cupped my cheek, forcing me to look back at her. "It's not easy. But it's necessary."

With a sigh, Lyra stepped back. "For now, just try. One day, it'll all make sense."

I feigned acceptance, perhaps I could gain more of her trust and find a way to escape.


Time had passed, I found myself awkwardly positioned again, reclined on her lap against my will. She has my head tilted, fingers prying open my jaw to inspect my teeth, each touch sending a tingling shiver down my spine that I didn't like. I longed to break free, to protest, to assert my free will, but I knew better now. 

Escape right now was impossible.

"Hmm," she hummed with satisfaction, her eyes alight with delight. Each sound she made deepened my sense of objectification.

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