Chapter 11: The Revolution

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Korg and Miek sat against the wall in the freaky circle. Korg gestured to some weird white stuff that was around Miek.

"Is that protoplasm stuff that's coming out of you or are they eggs? Looks like eggs."

Suddenly, the door to the freaky circle burst open, and all their disks were deactivated.

Valkyrie and (Y/n) walked in carrying guns. "We're looking for Korg." (Y/n) said.

He stood up. "Who's asking? I know you're asking. Is anyone else asking, or is it just you?"

"The Lord of Thunder sends his best." Valkyrie tossed the gun to him.

Korg perked up. "The Revolution has begun." He announced.


Thor and Loki stood in a hallway, and Thor watched Loki type in the codes to open up the door.

"Hey, so listen. We should talk." Thor suggested.

Loki paused and glanced at him. "I disagree. Open communication was never our family's forte."

He got the door opened and the two brothers entered.

"You have no idea. Been quite the revelation since we last spoke."

The two of them lifted up giant guns, and turned their attention to all the guards in the room.

"Hello!" Thor greeted.


Loki and Thor fired their weapons and started firing at everyone in the room. More guards came in and the two ducked to the sides of the doorway.

"Odin brought us together. It's almost poetic that his death should split us apart." Loki reasoned.

They went back into the room and took out the rest of the soldiers in there. Loki dropped his gun and worked on opening another door.

"We might as well be strangers now. Two sons of the crown, set adrift."

He opened the door, and went to walk through it but was met with a gun to his face. Thor whacked the gun down to the floor as the alien fired it, sending him flying up to the ceiling.

"Thought you didn't want to talk about it." Thor reminded him, walking inside.

Loki raised his hand. "...Here's the thing."


Thor and Loki stood side by side in an elevator, heading up to the garage.

"I'm probably better off staying here on Sakaar. Without (Y/n)" Loki admitted.

Thor raised his brows. "Without (Y/n)? Huh. I always thought she'd be the one to break up with you."

"Look, it's not like I want to leave her. I just...we want different things. And let's be honest, we all know that she's too good for me. All I do is drag her down. It's probably for the best that I stay away from her."

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