Chapter Five

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Jason got a pillow thrown at him as a wakeup call. Boy, he did not sleep well at all, and Veronica was quick to point that out. "You know there was plenty of room in the bed for both of us." She grumbled, still lying down.

"Looks like being dead doesn't help recover from a hangover any quicker." Jason noted as he threw the pillow back at her.

"I'm being serious, you jerk."

"That's never a good idea."

"Oh, but sleeping up against a wall all night is?" Veronica countered. "Real "neato" idea, dummy. You know any other guy would jump on this." She joked.

"Sounds like I've avoided an uncomfortable and awkward situation." Jason replied.

"You're over complicating thing." Veronica groaned. "It's just both of us getting a goodnight sleep. What's wrong with that?"

"I'd be uncomfortable." Jason defended, which he really didn't see why he had to. "And it looks like you didn't get that goodnight's sleep."

"Yeah, no shit." She grumbled and turned away from him, ending the conversation.

He got his sore body up and into the hall. He thought he remembered where the bathroom was. He could definitely wash himself up. Without thinking, he opened a door right through an old, shirtless Asian man shaving. The man, of course, had no reaction. Still, Jason felt immensely uncomfortable and slowly closed the door once more.

"Anyone in there?" Jason was startled by Derek's sudden appearance.

"Um, no." Jason stammered. "Well, yes-"

Derek pushed him aside, opened the door, went straight through the old man, and closed the door behind him. Jason soon heard the shower running. Jason cursed himself. He had to get better about not caring about the living.

Jason saw a clock on the wall and noticed the time. He had actually woken up at a decent time in the morning, well, Veronica woke him up. If Derek was up, then maybe Asia was. He found her in the guest room, and Jason understood why everyone used air quotes when referring to it. The room was a closest, with two small beds bolted into the wall on top of each other. There was about a meter or less of room to walk around. She was awake. Just lying on her bed, staring at the one above her.

"Fine night?" Jason asked.

"Yeah." Asia replied. "These beds aren't the worst thing in the world, and Derek never really gets wasted. He's more of a person that can mimic a drunk person. Not really getting as drunk as them, so he's not that much of a pain to deal with."

"Not that much?"

Asia rolled her eyes. "He's still Derek." They both smiled at the comment. "Anyone else up?"

"I guess Veronica technically is. Got a hungover day coming up."

Asia nodded. "Her and Yasmine didn't really stop. Even when I left." She paused, troubled. "I think Yasmine will be in a bad spot today."

"I heard she never leaves this place." Jason said with a bit of dread.

Asia nodded once more. "Part of it is her illness. Part of it is her family. She's never known a better group of people and doesn't want to change."

"You guys tried?"

"Yeah, and that's why we stopped hanging out." Asia said. "Yasmine was always against something new, and Liesa always butted heads with Veronica when we tried to do something new. Liesa was kind, but was always insanely overprotective. Just think Derek but ten times worst."

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