Gods, WHY!

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AN: Arthor notes









Diffident meaning

Thalia POV, car driving down the backroads

We were driving, down the street, well backroad, it was disorienting not just being the daughter of the king of the Gods, not that someone lost their life to save three of ours. No, it was the fact, that a 7-year-old boy, was driving the car, at night... and not to mention that he was able to lose officer, long story when a cop pulled us over.

We were driving, to our camp down by the river, something I noticed was, Halo, was not moving on the idea of allowing others to drive, he drove, till 12, then he pulled over to sleep, we tried to move him, but he took out his knife, sometimes I wish that we lived in a world, where this kid didn't have an armory strapped to his back. He was drove us till, after he drove us, to our camp, he walked out, but his body kinda decided that it wouldn't want to move, so I had to catch him, and guide him into the camp, it was hidden using plants, and I just slumped him against 

"Halo..." I asked, and he looked at me with a smile, but his eyes, told a different story. "You okay."

"Mir geht es gut, Aceon, ich habe nur genug von diesen Kämpfen, ich will nur, dass es aufhört, es ist sinnlos." He spoke with a tired voice, he hasn't slept for hours, but what caught me off guard is that he just spoke, I think German.


He blinked and he spoke in English, but he spoke with a German accent (Sorry, to any German readers, using a generator). "I...I'm chust tired... I drofe us fur 8 hours schtraight, zose kops..." He blinked and tried to keep himself awake, he spoke again, but this time with his barely heard Irish accent. "I'm just tired."

"Well, we are going to sleep for a couple of hours, okay. Then... we can good, to somewhere, we are thinking Philly. That okay."

"Yeah..." He said as he began to doze off, he leaned on my shoulder, why did you have to remind me of Jason, a sweet kid, whose life got turned over by its head, but instead of Hera... it was us.

I looked over, and saw Annabeth asleep on a cot, while Luke was watching, sitting on the car hood. Gusse he was taking first watch.

I fell, asleep, and this time, like in simple demigod fashion, a bad dream. I awoke in I saw, to people, sitting by a make-shift fire. One of the men was wearing an aviator jacket that read AECOSN, the other looked like an older version of a Halo, maybe 15-16, but the face, was the same of the kid sitting next to me.

 One of the men was wearing an aviator jacket that read AECOSN, the other looked like an older version of a Halo, maybe 15-16, but the face, was the same of the kid sitting next to me

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