A quest for the very best.

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AN: Arthor notes









Diffident meaning

AN: So, this is just the timeline for the book, this chapter before the time skip, then a short-ish story, then the lightning thief, but then I'll do a chapter in between the books.

Luke POV, December 13th, 2003 (took me a while to get this dated on the timeline).

The snow was freshly on the ground. I was sitting on the dock. It was weird to say the least. To think it has been three years since we got here. In that time, I have become Hermes Cabin leader (mainly because I fought the jerk who took it after our previous one , Annabeth became Athena Cabin's head consoler, thinking about it is weird, she is like ten years old. Then there was Halo... who is the assistant director, yet also the lieutenant counselor, somehow, he and Mr. D have not killed each other. 

It was winter, so only us all-rounders are here to enjoy the camp. Some of us by choice, weather it is too dangerous because of monster... or we are just not wanting... to go home.  The voice I heard when we got here, was gone... it was just stress. No need to focus on that, we have a better life... who needs the gods, when you have friends here with you.

It was a nice, you always had someone who... knew something similar to what your life is like, that you can just turn to, and here we all sort of flavors of pain and baggage, from finding out your life is a lie and is going to be Hell, to the fact it is a second hell in your life.

Look, I didn't want to be a demigod... I really didn't, it is probably going to get you hurt, maimed, killed, or worse. If you are a mortal, and got hold of this, I envy you, for it is simple life that you get to live (and probably take for granted), and if you are an unknown, then get ready, it is only downhill, because they will sense you.

I got up from the dock. I have been sitting there for a while. It about going to be dinner, and we are going to maybe have a camp wide snowball war, because at this camp, we can do normal things, we have to have a mock winter war.

To say the very least it was fun, cabin battle royal. Safe to say, it was Hermes cabin that won, simply for the fact, that Halo and his friends... may or may not, lock Athena cabin in with a spider in front of their door, and buried Area in snow.

But 9 was all me, Chris, and the Strolls we changed all the locks, once they thought to try and resupplies, same with Apollo, which had a turn coat, thank you Rapheal, sadly he is now going to have to bunk with us, but he is Halo and Mary's friends. Once we got the victory by Chiron (and cleaned up all our pranks, safe to say, Annabeth tossed Halo into the snow, then Ares buried him, then Aphrodite sprayed perfume (why, I had no idea), and we had to fix the lucks with every cabin. 

Chiron (who was now rocking a beard for winter) walked in front of the big house. Along with "Grump Santa" as Halo calls him. 

"Well, now before we have our lovely dinner for this day, we must all give a round of applause to Hermes cabin, for their well fought (if not fairly), victory, so in hour of their victory, they shall gain, first shower of the night." Everyone else groaned, also, the first one out got last shower, and I saw cabin 10 looking annoyed, I guess that is why they were mad at Halo. But first showers are nice, meaning we get the warm water first. 

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