It was supposed to be a nice day

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AN: Arthor notes









Diffident meaning

Annabeth POV, Gas station, near Delmar Delaware. 

We had stopped at a gas station, well gas station but body shop/carwash, we were tired, it was tiring to be honest, it was still one of the kindest days we had, it is about June 15, a month since I joined them, we were just making our way to New Jersey. We had just crossed from Maryland, where I thought it would have made more sense for the giant crab to attack.   

We got attacked by something else, a weird killer rabbit, not a fun day, last we saw it, Luke kicked it into the Chesapeake. To be honest we were still healing from that thing. It was vicious. Halo hadn't recovered all the much from the Hydra burn, then the rabbit bit the wound.

I got a bunched of bit marks, Luke ankles got bitten and I think Thalia got some bruised ribs.  How was that the hardest fight we had, not the Hydra, but the rabbit is what almost killed us. 

Even with all these cuts and bruises, I was still having a good time, we had each other's back. It has almost been a whole month, since I joined up with the others, right now, Thalia was pumping gas, Halo, was working on fixing armor he made for Luke, he was annoyed, because he just made it, and it got destroyed by the bunny when it bounced into his chest.

We got a photo of him before that moment. It was getting bad, each time we got a breather, we would be attacked. We probably have only an hour. Me and Luke were walking into the gas station.

"Annabeth, be on guard..." I looked at him, and he just smiled, and it just made me feel safe. "Just stick with me and grab some snacks."

I walked and began to grab some chips, chocolates, not for Halo, he likes them, they stop him, because it makes him very sick. I grabbed some water bottles, and me and Luke made our way with the snacks. 

The cashier just smiled, and I wasn't sure to trust him, because random people being kind was never good. "Well, aren't you a cutie." I took a step back; she spoke with a nice voice. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya, let me guess your parents getting gas."

"Yeah..." Luke said.

"Well, kiddos, where are they, I only see a girl pumping gas. And I saw another one, but they went missing."

"Does, would be our siblings, our parents are trying to get someone to talk to at the car shop." I saw Luke's face change when they said Halo went missing, he is probably just drop something and was out of her sight.

The women she looked a bit bad. "Well, they should go somewhere else, my husband and his bodies are busy, they won't be able to get to it, so you sweet kids should just drive, it seems not serious if you are still getting gas." She handed us change, and we left. "Well, have a nice day kids."

We walked back to the car and saw Halo, in the trunk, fishing around for something and pulled out a soldering iron... where did he get that. We got in the car, and Halo stop working on Luke's chest plate, once we pulled out, we saw a group of people running out screaming at us, and we just drive faster.

Once we got onto the open road, I looked at him, and I heard something metal moving in the back, I mean, that is where he put the chest plate. Luke just looked in the mirror. "Halo what did you do."

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