drive-in movie

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you were hanging out with rodrick in living room but you weren't doing anything so you were on your phone. as you scroll through instagram, you see that someone posted that there was a drive-in movie that night. you tilt your a bit.

"hm," you say. rodrick stops playing and looks up from his drum set. "what?" he asks. "there's a drive-in movie tonight, they're showing scream," you say, getting up and showing him the post. he stares at your phone, looking at the picture of the ad.

you put your phone down on the table and sit on floor next to his drum set. "we should go," you say. he looks down at you. "but my band needs to practice," he says.

"but it could be so fun," you reply, pouting. he rolls his eyes slightly. "fine," he's say, sighing and going back to playing. you smile.

time skip

you guys were chilling on the couch when you realized what time it was. you shake his arm and he looks at you. "it's almost time for the movie, we have to hurry if we don't wanna miss it," you say, getting up.

he gets up and starts walking to his room to get ready. "wait, i didn't bring any clothes," you say, sheepishly. "you can borrow mine but you have to give them back this time," he says. "i will," you say, giggling and following him up to his room.

you walk into his room and start picking out a shirt. you find a my chemical romance shirt and throw it on his bed. you start looking for pants now because you're wearing shorts and it's cold outside.

you find a pair of black skinny jeans and pick up the shirt you threw on his bed. you walk out of his room and into the bathroom because of privacy. you change and go back into his room.

"you have any make up i could borrow?" you ask rodrick. "i have eyeliner," he replies, holding up an eyeliner pen. you sigh and take it.

you walk back to the bathroom and use the mirror to do your eyeliner. when you're done, you walk downstairs to get your shoes.

you get your shoes that you left by the door and walk back upstairs to his room. you sit on his bed and put on your shoes. "are you ready yet?" he asks, not even ready himself. you roll your eyes and finish tying your left shoe.

you stand up and grab your small handbag. you out your phone, a few packs of nerds and pixy stix, and a pack of airheads inside your bag.

you go downstairs and wait for him. a couple minutes later, rodrick comes downstairs. "where's my eyeliner," he asks you. you pull his eyeliner pen out of your pocket and give it him.

he runs upstairs and a few minutes later comes back down with his eyeliner done. "how does it look? i did it in a hurry," he asks. "it looks fine," you say, laughing a bit.

he sighs and gets his shoes. he slides them on and ties them. "are you ready yet," you say, mocking him from earlier. he punched you playfully in the arm and opens the door.

you walk out and he follows behind you. you walk to his van and get inside. he starts the van and turns on the heat. "too bad you don't have seat warmers," you say.

"yeah, sometimes the seats freeze because of how cold it gets," he says, laughing a bit. you smile and put on your seatbelt. you put the address into your GPS and it takes a bit to load. it says to turn left and he starts driving.

time skip again bc i'm lazy

he pulls in and tries to find a spot. you start looking out the window. there's a giant white cloth set up in front of the many parked cars.

he finds a spot and parks, just like the other cars. he opens the back and you sit down with him. you take out the snacks from your bag and give him some.

you lay your head on his shoulder and he puts his arm around you. a few minutes later, the movie starts. you guys laugh and have a good time then head back home.

728 words

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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