CHAPTER 3 | lunch & cuddles

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Sanji's POV


When I woke up, I heard the sound of crying, and then the hushed voices of Luffy and Law. I often heard crying at night, or in the early mornings when I got up to cook. But this time seemed different. Seemed worse somehow. As if the first few times were the calm before the storm. I wasn't trying to listen in, but the aquarium was awfully close to my kitchen, and I heard every word exchanged between the two. But I still smiled to myself at Luffy's comment about food.

Because of this, however, I decided to cook my captains favorite foods.


Zoro's POV


I smelt something good coming from the kitchen, so I decided to walk over there and see if the idiot cook needed help with anything. But as I get up from my hammock, I realize Luffy and Trafalgar were cuddling in the one above me. This suprised me, but nonetheless is was certainly cute. I smile to myself remembering the lazy mornings I used to share with curly brow before we were dating.


Sanji's POV (again)


I heard the door to the kitchen open, and smiled when I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist.

"good morning, shitty cook." I heard the swordsman say against my neck

"good morning, dumbass." I could practically see Zoro's eyes roll into the back of his head, and I laughed at the silence I received at the insult.

"well, I was going to see if you needed any help cooking, but obviously you don't want my help" Zoro began to walk away.

"Actually, I'm pretty much done here, but I could use some help chopping those," I pointed at the vegetables I had just washed.

"aye, aye Captain" Zoro responded, but the timing of this was impeccable because Luffy walked in at this exact moment.

"Hey," Luffy whined. "Zoro, you're supposed to be my first mate why are you calling Sanji the Captain..."

I laughed at the sincerity of Luffy's comment, but Luffy wasn't amused, and Zoro just apologized.


Law's POV


I woke up around noon, and realized Luffy was no longer sleeping peacefully in my arms. This peeved me slightly. Who wakes up and leaves you in bed alone without a note??? But I realized we weren't dating, and it didn't matter that much. I figured he would be in the kitchen, and if he wasn't he would be sitting on the figure-head of the Straw-Hats ship, accurately named the Sunny.

I lay there a second more, remembering the night before. And the thought of Luffy sleeping in my arms made me feel... safe? I loved pressing my head gently into his hair and kissing him on the head. I loved feeling his arms wrapped around my torso. I loved feeling him breathe softly, I loved drawing circles on his back and hearing him hum in response. It was all so magical. But the thought of this made me red. I rolled over in embarrassment, forgetting I was in Luffy's hammock and not the couch, causing me to fall onto the one below me, and then onto the floor. 


After my less than graceful wake up, I got dressed in my usual turtleneck, skinny jeans, and hat, grabbed my sword, and walked to the kitchen. Zoro and Robin were sitting at the bar drinking coffee, whilst Sanji cooked and tried to keep Luffy from eating all the vegetables before they were ready. 

"LUFFY," Sanji yelled "GO SIT AT THE BAR WITH MOSS HEAD AND ROBIN BEFORE I KILL YOU." Sanji threatened. I couldn't help but chuckle slightly at this interaction, and the group turned their heads at me.

"TRAFFY!!!" The young captain yelled, and before I knew it, I was on the floor with Luffy on top of me, embracing me sweetly. I laid there awkwardly before lightly hugging him back, and Luffy buried his head into my neck before whispering "good morning" sweetly against my neck. At this point I had to be bright red in the face, because everybody in the room was smiling and had quietly gone back to what they were doing. And this must've been the moment where I realized that I was hopelessly in love with Straw-Hat Luffy.


It took long enough, but eventually the entire crew was in the dining room happily  chatting and eating lunch. They were telling stories to Brook and me about previous adventures their crew had been on. Though I was a Warlord, even I was shocked at how many adventures they'd been on, and how many near-death situations they'd been through. Eventually, however, they landed on what each had done over the two years they had disappeared. Sanji however, remained quiet and shuddered at the thought, whilst Luffy started shifting awkwardly in his seat. I was sitting across from Luffy, so I kicked his leg lightly to get his attention and smiled at him softly before wrapping my legs around his. He smiled back, and I couldn't help but think that I could get used to this.

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