Chapter 3

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Hermione, still feeling the effects of fatigue, was abruptly awakened by the sound of her phone's notification at precisely 6:30 A.M. It should be noted that she had only managed to drift off to sleep a mere two hours prior, at approximately 4 A.M. Upon reluctantly reaching for her phone, Hermione discovered that she had received not one, but two new text messages. One was from Draco, while the other was from Harry.

She emitted a low, disapproving sound as she contemplated the idea of unleashing a torrent of curses upon both individuals responsible for rousing her from her slumber at the ungodly hour of dawn. With a begrudging sigh, she reluctantly opened Draco's message first.

Draco Malfoy: Good morning.

Hermione Granger: Good morning, Draco.

Draco Malfoy: If you find yourself unoccupied next week, I was wondering if we could arrange a play date for our children, Scorpius and Rose. I will be away for the remainder of this week, visiting Clara's parents so that they may have the opportunity to spend time with Scorpius.

Hermione Granger: That seems acceptable. How about Thursday, around lunchtime?

Draco Malfoy: That suits me perfectly. I shall see you and Rose then.

Hermione Granger: Yes, indeed. Until then, Draco, farewell.

Draco Malfoy: Goodbye.

Hermione then proceeded to open Harry's message.

Harry Potter: Good morning, Mione.

Hermione Granger: Good morning, Harry.

Harry Potter: Are you and Rose occupied today?

Hermione Granger: No, why do you ask?

Harry Potter: The Weasley family is hosting a Halloween week party tonight, and I was wondering if you and Rose would care to accompany me.

Hermione Granger: Are you certain that we would be welcome, Harry?

Harry Potter: Molly and Arthur extended an invitation to you and Rose when I spoke with them last night.

Hermione Granger: Very well, we shall attend, Harry.

Harry Potter: I find myself pondering whether you would object to my presence for the entirety of the day, in the company of you and our beloved daughter, Rosie. The monotony of my current situation has left me feeling quite restless, as Teddy is currently occupied with his grandmother, Andromeda.

Hermione Granger: Your proposal is most agreeable, Harry. I am certain that Rosie would be overjoyed to spend quality time with her adoring father.

Harry Potter: Excellent. I shall make my way to your abode promptly at ten o'clock in the morning, if that suits your schedule.

Hermione Granger: That arrangement is perfectly acceptable. Until then, farewell.

Harry Potter: Farewell, dear Mione

Hermione, exhausted from a restless night, managed to fall back asleep until the clock struck 9:15. It was then that Rosie, her adorable bundle of joy, woke up, signaling the start of another eventful day.

With a yawn, Hermione rose from her bed and made her way to Rosie's nursery. The room was adorned with soft pastel colors, creating a serene atmosphere. As she approached the crib, Hermione couldn't help but smile at the sight of her precious daughter, peacefully sleeping. Carefully, she lifted Rosie from her crib, cradling her in her arms.

Knowing that a fresh start to the day was essential, Hermione gently laid Rosie on the changing table. She swiftly removed her soiled diaper, ensuring her little one was comfortable and clean. Next, Hermione selected a delightful outfit for Rosie, a vibrant red long-sleeved shirt adorned with charming hearts. To complete the ensemble, she chose matching pants, a skirt, and a pair of cozy grey socks.

Hermione's Secret Daughter: Rose Marie Granger Where stories live. Discover now