Chapter 4

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Hermione awoke with a start, her eyes fluttering open later than her usual waking hour. However, it was hardly surprising, considering she had returned home from the Weasleys' Halloween Party in the wee hours of the morning, close to 2 o'clock.

With a gentle tiptoe, Hermione made her way into the nursery, her heart swelling with affection as she peered into the room. There, nestled in the crib, lay her precious daughter Rose, still lost in the blissful embrace of slumber. A soft smile graced Hermione's lips as she decided to grant Rose a well-deserved extension of rest today.

Leaving the nursery, Hermione ventured into the kitchen, her steps light and purposeful. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, enveloping her senses in a comforting embrace. With practiced ease, she prepared a steaming pot of coffee, the rich aroma mingling with the morning sunlight that filtered through the window.

As she leisurely sipped her steaming cup of coffee, her eyes wandered towards the window of the cozy kitchen. Through the transparent glass, she gazed upon the world outside, observing the subtle dance of nature. The vibrant hues of the blooming flowers in the garden caught her attention, their delicate petals swaying gracefully in the gentle breeze. The sunlight filtered through the leaves of the trees, casting a mesmerizing pattern of shadows on the ground. She found herself captivated by the serene beauty that unfolded before her, momentarily lost in the tranquility of the moment.

Lost in her thoughts, Hermione was completely absorbed in the intricate puzzle she was trying to solve. The world around her seemed to fade away as she delved deeper into her own mind. The soft rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds went unnoticed as she wrestled with the complexities of her task. Time seemed to stand still as she meticulously examined every angle, every possibility.

Hermione's mind wandered back to yesterday, a day that she couldn't help but label as amazing. It wasn't just the mind-blowing sex she had experienced with Harry that made it so, although that was undeniably incredible. No, it was the simple act of being in his presence once again that truly made her heart soar. The way he looked at her, with those emerald eyes filled with love and adoration, confirmed what Hermione had always known deep down - Harry loved Rose just as much as she did. And in that moment, Hermione felt an overwhelming sense of joy and contentment, knowing that they were all exactly where they were meant to be.

As Hermione sat in solitude, her voice barely above a whisper, she found herself contemplating the intricate tapestry of fate that had woven her life together with Harry's. The memories of their friendship flooded her mind, each one a precious thread that bound them together. She couldn't help but notice how, throughout the years, she had felt a deeper connection with Harry than she ever did with Ron. It was as if their souls were intertwined, their thoughts and emotions dancing in perfect harmony. Hermione's heart swelled with a bittersweet mixture of longing and gratitude as she pondered the possibility that perhaps, just perhaps, their destinies had always been intertwined.

Hermione delicately raised the porcelain cup to her lips, feeling the warmth radiating through her fingertips. The aroma of the steaming conger filled her senses, enticing her to take a sip. As the liquid touched her tongue, she couldn't help but notice the slight change in temperature, the once piping hot beverage now lukewarm. The unexpected sensation jolted her back to reality, causing her to involuntarily spit out the liquid, a look of surprise crossing her face.

Hermione, feeling a tinge of disappointment, poured the remnants of her once steaming cup of coffee down the sink. The liquid, now cold and unappealing, swirled down the drain, disappearing into the depths below. Just as she finished this mundane task, a faint buzzing sound reached her ears, causing her heart to skip a beat. She fervently hoped that the incoming call was not from Draco or Harry, for she was still grappling with the complexities of her feelings towards them. Uncertainty clouded her mind, leaving her unsure of how to navigate the intricate web of emotions that entangled her. Taking a deep breath, Hermione glanced at her phone, her eyes immediately drawn to the illuminated screen displaying the caller ID. The name that appeared before her was none other than "Mum," a sight that both comforted and intrigued her. With a mix of anticipation and curiosity, she mustered the courage to answer the call, her voice filled with warmth and familiarity as she greeted her mother. "Hey Mum," she said, her words laced with affection and a hint of relief. On the other end of the line, Joanna Granger reciprocated the sentiment, her voice carrying a sense of maternal love and concern. "Hello Hermione," she replied, her words echoing through the phone, bridging the distance between them.

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