Chapter 6

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There will be light Dumbledore bashing

The ancient Potter Manor, which had long been abandoned and lifeless, now stood rejuvenated and teeming with vitality. The decaying structure had been revitalized, infused once more with the ancient magic that had always been synonymous with the Potter family estate. The manor's halls echoed with the whispers of its storied past, as if the very walls themselves were alive with the memories of generations long gone.

Dorea Black Potter stood gracefully in the grand manor, surrounded by the familiar scents of her muggle-style cooking, a passion she had cherished in her previous life. The Potter Family elves, attuned to the resurgence of magic in the air, had returned to the manor.

Arwen, the head elf, was taken aback at the sight of Lady Dorea, as she had been present when Dorea passed away. Initially, she suspected some sort of illusion or shape-shifting magic at play. Dorea, in a nostalgic moment, brought up Arwen's mother, Tilly, who had served as Dorea's loyal house elf during her childhood.

"Lady Dorea? You have returned from the beyond?" Arwen inquired, her voice tinged with disbelief.

"Yes, I have been granted a second chance," Dorea replied with a serene smile.

"Are Master James and Mistress Lilly back as well? What about Master Charlus?" Arwen pressed, eager for news of the other members of the Potter family.

"I believe they have returned too. You will reunite with them soon. However, the manor is in dire need of cleaning; it appears rather unkempt," Dorea remarked, her eyes scanning the surroundings with a hint of concern.

Arwen gazed at the decaying manor, its once grand halls now filled with neglect and dust.

"After the tragic demise of Master James and Mistress Lily, the Potter Elves were once again employed at Hogwarts by the wise Master Albus. Since then, it seems the manor has not seen the touch of a cleaning spell," Arwen remarked with a hint of concern in her voice.

Dorea's eyes widened in disbelief as she processed the information. "What?!?" she exclaimed, her mind racing with thoughts.

"I encountered young Master Harry at Hogwarts, and to my surprise, he seemed unaware of his lineage or the existence of the Potter Manor Elves. It appears he is oblivious to his connection to the Black family as well. Not until his third year did he learn about Master Sirius," Arwen explained, her wrinkled face showing a mix of worry and pity.

Dorea's thoughts drifted to a letter carefully prepared by Charlus, intended for her grandson to receive on his 17th birthday, revealing his true heritage.

"Arwen, what exactly does he know?" Dorea inquired, her voice tinged with concern as she turned to the aged house elf for answers.

The house elf shook her head solemnly. "Not much," she replied, her voice filled with a sense of duty and loyalty to her young master.

Dorea inquired, her voice tinged with curiosity, "Does he possess knowledge of his connection to Gryffindor, Peverell, or Ravenclaw?"

Arwen, with a thoughtful expression, responded, "I believe he is aware of the Peverell lineage, but Gryffindor and Ravenclaw remain unknown to him, Lady Dorea."

Expressing frustration, Dorea muttered, "Albus Dumbledore," her anger causing the windows to shatter under the force of her magic.

The Potter House Elves, unfazed by the magical outburst, vividly recalled Lady Dorea's powerful magic.

Charlus entered the room, urging, "Dora, please, calm yourself."

Dorea revealed, "Albus never informed Harry or delivered the letter as promised."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04 ⏰

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