Understanding Evades

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Katrina knew him, knew he would call and knew she would answer. So, to prevent further damage and pain to herself, she did what she had to do. Once the Uber sped down the street she blocked and deleted Keir's contact information from her phone. The last thing she needed was to hear his voice, pulverizing the broken pieces of her heart into dust. He was engaged, had found someone else to love. It was time for her to eject from the dream and abandon the hope that they'd ever be a 'we' again.

She should've let her brain lead her. There was no way he'd still be pining for her after the drama she reaped in his life. The court appearances due to the assault charge and restraining order that her vindictive Ex enacted prevented him from being in the same vicinity of Nori. She knew she had been foolish; being able to witness it in person gave her the clarity she needed. There was never going to be a 'them' and it was time for her to except in even though her heart couldn't understand it.

Her travel companions barged in her as soon as the sun rays creeped across the sky denying her wish to wallow in the bed letting her shed tears hydrate her tired face. Imani's plan was to start the morning with yoga and a massage. She meant well and Katrina loved her for that but it did nothing to ease her mind and eradicate her urge to cry. The peaceful, solitude just caused her mind to overthink at a pace so rapid cheetahs would be jealous.

Then it was Sloane and Palmer's time. They advised her to start off with a shot, that because two and chased it with a green smoothie. Next get sexy which meant slipping on the harvest orange satin dress with the pair of slits that stopped mid thigh and letting her goddess braids down to sway down her back then hit the street.

Maybe it was the vitamin D from the warm autumn sun being drunk by her copious amount of exposed skin, the hundreds she spent on retail therapy, the tequila seeping into her system, or the numerous handsome men with their New Orleans cadence bathing her in compliments but she began feeling slightly better.

Less in a depressive stupor and coping with the heartbreak, seeing the hope on the horizon. She was happy he found happiness and she believed she'd do the same. She was happy before she saw his order flash on her screen and she'd return to the state that was definite. If she'd survive worse. Right?

Unfortunately whenever she stopped moving her heart would whisper and yearn for the man that was now unavailable. She thought they had a love that was undefinable, massive, and unwavering. But she had been wrong about a man and love before.

"I need a nap, babe." Imani said before a yawn barged out of her mouth. The sun was fading and they'd been traversing across the city since noon.

"All I need is a shot of an espresso and I'll be ready to go." Palmer affirmed, walking into the hotel.

Sloane slung her arm over her friend's shoulder, "Which means you're tired, boo." She smiled at Palmer's eye roll then turned to Katrina, "Why don't we get some sleep then go out get dinner and then find a club to go to?"

"I—" Katrina started but her footsteps froze in the lobby as her brain stopped functioning.

"What?" Sloane asked, glancing at her sister's stunned state and then followed her gaze to the rising off one of the posh sets of chairs in the lobby. "Oh. What is he doing here?"

"I'm....No," was all she said as he started approaching them. Katrina felt like her mind was short-circuiting but her feet began to work again. She stabbed the elevator's button abruptly.

She hustled towards the elevator but Keir's swift steps and long legs equipped him to catch up with her easily. "Wait." He grasped her hand.

Sloane moved to utter something and Imani stopped her with a quick nod of her head.

"Don't." Katrina quickly swiped her hand away from him. "Why are you...How are you here?"

"That's not important." Keir said with great urgency.

"It was me." Imani harked, walking over towards them not wavering in the heated glare of her longtime friend. "He called me early this morning." She caressed Katrina's shoulders seeing the hurt resurface in her eyes. "This is not like before. You don't have to activate your guard. Just talk. It'll help. Trust me. You can always trust...me."

Katrina nodded through teary eyes. The elevator dinged and the doors parted, Imani gave her a nod and the other women boarded the lift.

Once the door's closed Katrina declared while looking past him, "I don't entertain the pleasures of attached men."

"I'm not attached." He soberly told.

Her eyes flew to him, "Don't play games with me Keir, I may have been gullible once. But New Day...New bitch. You have a whole fiance!"

"Not anymore."

"What?" She glared at him with annoyance tinged with disbelief.

Keir moved closer to her, knelt close to her ear and whispered, "How can I be with anyone else after my heart returns to me?"

She leaned back, a tear rolling down the side of her face. "Don't say things like that to me."

"What? The truth." He moved to wipe the tear from her cheek and this time she let him. "I have been a phantom of a man since we had to break up. Mimicking life and moving on but I can't be that person anymore. Can you?"

"Keir." She shook her head taking a shaky step back as if being in his presence made her dizzy. "I can't. I can't do—"

He jumped in, "Before you make any final decisions, let me take you somewhere."

She frowned at his suggestion.

"Please." He insisted. "Just one place. One night."

Her breathing quickened and she remembered Imani's words. You don't have to activate your guard. And she remembered he had never hurt her so she said. "Okay."

It was going to be one place. One night. She could do that.

Why do you think Imani told Keir where they were staying?

Do you think Imani is right, that Katrina doesn't need to activate her guard?

Where do you think Keir is taking her? Why?

Do you think it be one night?

Do you think it be one night?

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