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   Six thirty in the morning and the dorm was already as awake as ever. All four of the boys were gathered at the kitchen table, eating their early breakfast and conversing in peace—or well, two of the four were.

   It was beyond obvious that something was going on between Jeongin and Minho, as they didn't dare mutter a word in the other's presence, yet luckily Felix was the type of person to lighten the mood in moments like these—and just, always when he'd enter the room.

   That's how it has been like these past weeks, The two '00 liner would talk and both Minho and Jeongin would just quietly sit—or stand—there, listening in. Yet again, Luckily Felix didn't seem to mind it, as he just continued talking with Seungmin

   "Ahh, this is so exciting!" He voiced out happily, standing up from the table and putting his dishes into the sink, ready to procrastinate cleaning them until another of his group members does.

   Jeongin copied his actions before walking back to his room and putting on his jacket alongside his warm scarf, which he would surely need in this freezing temperature.

   Slowly he walked past the kitchen, seeing Minho stand at the counter, cleaning the other's dirty dishes. He felt bad. Not only for leaving him to clean up but for not even trying to talk to him, yet was it really his fault?

   Minho hadn't tried to spark a conversation either! So it was only fair, right?

   Sitting down on the couch, waiting for everyone to get ready, Jeongin pulled out his phone, a smile adoring his lips as he saw a message from one of his Hyungs. "Are you guys ready yet? We're almost at the airport," It read and the pink-haired haired immediately got excited to see the older, even though he had seen him only yesterday.

   Smile still plastered onto his face, he replied with a simple "Almost done" and shoved his phone back into his jacket's pocket, staring at his hands with the slightest bit of blush tinting his ears.

   "Everyone ready?" A familiar voice asked—a voice he hadn't heard in a while. Without saying a word the boy stood up and made his way over to the door, double-checking his bag that had laid on the floor to see if he had everything, before putting on his shoes—ready to go.

   "I.N-ah, wanna sit together?" Hyunjin waddled over to the youngest member, as soon as he saw the rest of the group leave the vehicle, a simple black beanie covered his beautiful blue hair and Jeongin swore he felt his heart skip a beat. "Sure!" He replied eagerly and he could feel the eyes of a particular cat-like person staring daggers into his soul.

   Jeongin adored the way the older's lips curved upwards into a smile, before taking his hand in his—as he didn't want him to get lost in the crowded airport, apparently. He totally didn't want to hold his hand, at all. It was for safety reasons.

   The whole way over to their gate, Jeongin couldn't take his eyes off of the older—and their intertwined hands—he looked so breathtakingly good in that outfit. The way the black and yellow striped oversized sweater contrasted his hair so well and fell on his body was incredibly stunning. 

   With a chuckle he thought about how he was known as the style icon of the group and lightly shook his head, catching the attention of the older. "What is it?" He asked upon noticing the way the other's eyes creased into nothing, just like always when he grinned.

   Hyunjin pushed up his glasses with the back of his hand, his mask almost slipping off at the contact and continued staring at the maknae—waiting for an answer. But he kept quiet until they reached a less crowded place, both for the older to hear him better and in order for the fans not to hear.

   You could also say, for him not to get embarrassed.

   "You look so good today."

   The check-in and flight went by quickly, pictures were taken and messages were sent—both to their community on Bubble and to their families on any other possible app—and the eight-member group had safely arrived at the hotel they'd be staying in.

   Fortunately or unfortunately they were all staying in different rooms, getting some privacy before the nerve-wracking day.

   Don't get me wrong on this, each and every member loved their group but just a bit of alone time did fit nice with them every now and then—though a specific blue-head felt dissatisfied.

   "Knock knock?" Jeongin laughed at the sudden yet familiar Aussie accent coming from behind the door. "Who's there?" "Yongbok." "Yongbok who?" "Yongbok locked himself out." Another laugh escaped his mouth before the boy made my way to the door, locked himself out? Dummy.

   "Thanks, Channie Hyung just started his v- I mean his live and I couldn't keep bothering him, so I came here." "Just ask for the spare key, Hyung. I'm busy." "You too?~" He whined, a small frown on his face. "Sorry, I'm busy keeping myself calm." "You nervous?" The boy hummed, slowly pushing the older back into the hall as he started creeping his way inside my room.

   "Go annoy Bin Hyung, he wouldn't mind your company. Besides he's probably nervous too, Jinnie Hyung said he didn't get a lot of sleep last night." "I'll go annoy Bin Hyungie then, sleep well Innie~"

   The latter only smiled at him as he walked through the halls, pulling his mask up to his face again—just in case.

   As the older walked out of sight, Jeongin quietly closed the door of his room again and locked it, feeling a weight leave his shoulders before it came crashing down again. The award show was tomorrow, tomorrow! And he hadn't talked to Minho or Hyunjin!

   Stays would surely notice that something was up between them!

   The pink haired let out a sigh, for what felt like the thousands time and decided to just go for it, fuck it, he told himself. He grabbed his phone, keys and mask and headed out of the hotel room—making sure to lock it—before continuing down the halls.

   His hand graced the beige walls as he stepped through the building, pocketing his keys, putting his mask on and opening his phone.

Lee Know Hyung 🐈 | okay

What's your room?


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