Chapter 1

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There's commotion in front of me and I look up again to see a small frail girl and an older rider. "You're Mira Sorrengail?" The rider behind the desk asks, his jaw dropping, and I can smell the hero worship from here.

"I am." She nods. "This is my sister, Violet. She'll be a first year." I memorise the girl's face, so that I can spot her later. How fortunate that a Sorrengail is here at the same time both of my brothers and I are, pure good luck.

"If she survives the parapet." The guy behind me snickers. "Wind just might blow her right off."

"You fought at Strythmore," the rider behind the desk says with awe. "They gave you the Order of the Talon for taking out that battery behind enemy lines."

The snickering stops.

"As I was saying." I take a closer look at the Sorrengail sisters, smiling slightly when I see how weak the first year looks. That'll make my job a lot easier. "This is my sister, Violet." Mira finishes proudly.

"You know the way." The rider nods and points to the open door into the turret. It looks ominously dark in there, and I roll my eyes, wondering how in hell my brother likes it here.

"I know the way," she assures him, leading her sister past the table and to the doorway.

"Next!" The scribe calls and I walk forward with my head held high. I pick up the quill and sign my name on the roll, earning myself whispers and condescending looks. I ignore them and walk through the doorway, bowing my head in deference as Mira walks past.

"Sorrengail as in...?" the woman in front of Violet Sorrengail asks, looking over her shoulder as we all begin to climb the hundreds of stairs that lead to our possible deaths.

"Yep." There's no railing, but I don't steady myself as we rise higher and higher, unlike some candidates who cling to the stone wall like it's a life-or-death situation. Which it is if you fall. I don't know how they hope to survive on the parapet if they can't even balance on a flight of stairs.

"The general?" the blond guy ahead of us asks.

"The same one," Sorrengail answers, offering him a quick smile. I roll my eyes, striding up the stairs confidently despite being on the shorter side. 

"Wow. Nice leathers, too." He smiles back.

"Thanks. They're courtesy of my sister." I resist glaring at her. Of course she has an advantage just because of who her family is. At least my older brother was able to sneak me leathers, and my other foster brother gifted me some daggers. I'm lucky to have them. The wrist and ankle plate armour from my best friend will also help protect me from sword blows if I'm quick enough to block. Whatever you take in with you is considered part of you in the riders quadrant, so they're the perfect birthday gifts. It almost makes up for the fact that I'm forced to be a rider with almost no chance of surviving.

"I wonder how many candidates have fallen off the edge of the steps and died before they even reach the parapet," the woman says, glancing down the centre of the staircase as we climb higher.

"Two last year." Sorrengail answers. "Well, three if you count the girl one of the guys landed on."

The woman's brown eyes flare, but she turns back around and keeps climbing. "How many steps are there?" she asks.

"Two hundred and fifty," Sorrengail replies, and we climb in silence for another five minutes.

"Not too bad," she says with a bright smile as we near the top and the line comes to a halt. "I'm Rhiannon Matthias, by the way."

"Dylan," the blond guy responds with an enthusiastic wave.

"Violet." She replies. I glance up at them, trying to heed my oldest brother's warning of not making friends. Then again, he also said earning Sorrengail's trust would be the perfect way to stab her in the back. "What's your name?" Rhiannon asks me. I bite my lip, quickly signing. "Jasmine." She frowns but Sorrengail gasps, her fingers moving expertly. "You're deaf?" I blink in surprise as she signs back but reply. "No. Just mute." She smiles and then says to the others. "Jasmine. She's mute." Dylan nods "So she can still hear us?" I frown. "Yes. And I'm still here!" Violet giggles and conveys the message, causing Rhiannon to laugh. Dylan blushes, looking away slightly.

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