Chapter 3 he is a broken mess 🚫

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After reaching home from school, I went straight to my bedroom to take a shower.

I was done after fifteen minutes and laid down to take a short nap. I was tired and exhausted from socialising and I needed some time alone.

10 minutes later and I couldn't sleep instead I kept on constantly thinking about a certain somebody who didn't even like me.

" I'm so pathetic, why can't I just hate him like he does with me." I mumbled to myself. I got up from my bed and decided to do some homework to get myself busy.

I sat at my study table and started working on my chemistry homework that was due Monday. I got bored halfway through the work and started scrolling through my Instagram.

"What could be his user?" I thought to myself.

Without giving it much thought, I typed his full name, Wave Park, and there it was, I was able to recognize is account because his profile pic was himself holding a puppy.

He looked so cute and happy, totally different from how he looked at school. I scrolled through his account and found that most of the photos were from two years ago. The recent one was a picture of the sky, which was taken a week ago.

A hard knock resounded on my bedroom door and my sister's yelling voice came right after.

"we need to go, it's already 4pm."

"Give me a few seconds to get ready." I said back and hurryingly saved some of Wave's pics to my phone's storage.

" I give you 10 seconds. If you don't get your lazy ass down stairs within ten seconds,I swear, I'll drag you down myself." She threatened.

I rolled my eyes at how dramatic my sister could be and hurried to my walk-in closet were I got dressed in black jeans, a white t shirt, white converse and i threw on my black jacket.

I put on a chain around my neck and two rings, one on my middle finger and the other one on my thumb. I looked at myself into the mirror and I was pleased at the overall outcome.

I didn't even know why I was going all out with my dressing, it wasn't like he was going to notice me. I sighed at my own thoughts and headed down stairs before my sister came up and murdered me. I shivered at the thought, she could be scary sometimes.


I reached down stairs and found Evie seated on the armrest of the couch mindlessly scrolling through her phone.

She sensed my presence then said to me without even looking up," 'bout time you showed up, I was going to com- " she stopped mid sentence as she looked at me, clear admiration showed in her eyes.

" wow. you. Look. Hot." She said emphasizing each word.

" thanks sis." I said.

" Trying to catch a special someone's attention?" She asked with a grin on her face.

"No, n-no one, I usually d-dress like this." I said.

" then why are you blushing? She teased back.

I hid my face in my arms and said, "I'm not blushing."

" dude your face is re-"

"Can we just go?" I said, almost sounding desperate.

"Okay loverboy ." She laughed.

" mom. Dad, Sky and I are headed over to Caleb's house." She shouted to Angela and Gerald loud enough for them to hear.

" Alright Hun, make sure you come back home by 10." Angela shouted back. "Drive safely you two." Gerald added. We both said our good byes and went out to the car.

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