Bad End

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Andie woke up once 8 years ago and was never able to fall back asleep.

It was nice at first, sleep took up so much of her time that could be used to get what she wants. But when the world sleeps, who is there to get revenge on? When you can't be a part of the world anymore, what then? It took 3 days for people to start noticing her once bright blue eyes were clouded over and gray- 3 days and she had to fire all of her help because how is she supposed to explain this?

Her father showed up after she kept ignoring his calls, having to break into his own house because she went and had the locks changed on him. She saw him cry for the first time when he saw her- unmoving in her bed with early signs of rotting.

He cried in fear when she sat up and talked to him.

They always had a relationship where as long as Andie was able to cover up her mess he wouldn't say anything, he'd even provide the money for her to fix it. He knew his daughter was a monster- no trace of good from her mother was inherited- but she was still his. This evil had to have come from somewhere. So After a long talk he left and continued as if things were normal, signing Andie up for online classes and giving her a deadline to fix this new mess she's put herself in.

A deadline to bring herself back to life. The day she graduates college and takes over his company.

A deadline he failed to meet when he mysteriously died a day before it was up and Andie inherited all his possessions. It was a little suspicious but the cops have been paid off to look the other way before, they could get paid again.

Killing her father definitely wasn't her proudest moment, it was a little rude when the man had helped her out of so many situations. But that was just business- something he had been shoving down her throat her whole life. She was proving to him in her own way that she was a good business woman.

He gave her a deadline she couldn't meet? She made an effective way to extend it.

She sold the company like she always planned, using the money to keep herself locked up in her prized mansion which was starting to look abandoned after not being cared for for the last two years. Andie wasn't looking much better.

Andie's limbs would randomly stop working at times, her left arm being held together with plaster and bandages but still popping off if she dared to pick up anything over 20 pounds. It was getting so bad that Andie would go months wearing the same baggy clothes, scared to peel them off and reveal how little was left of her underneath.

Andie doesn't remember who killed her. It was the first thing she looked into in hopes it would reveal how to reverse this mess. All she could remember was the drowning, someone holding her head in some murky water until she felt like she was floating. The memory was so hazy that it almost felt like a dream and with it being her last one she couldn't help her sick mind from romanticizing it. Arms wrapped around her weakening body, letting go of her head as if they almost regretted it, hugging her when she no longer had the strength to pull herself out.

She couldn't remember any other hugs besides that one, it poisoned her mind with thoughts of the mystery person. She argued with herself that it made sense, the last person she had a real conversation with was her father and that had been years ago. He had never hugged her, had she ever been hugged besides that? When would she have let someone get close enough?

The years went by faster than they should for someone living out all 24 hours of the day. She had long given up on trying to bring herself back, her final breaking point being when the last strand of hair left her head. She just wanted to sleep again, being awake for so long had permanently affected her mental state- causing the days to blend together and weaken her memory. When exactly had she lost all her hair? Was that a year into her death or just last week? When did her legs become too weak to walk on? When did she lay down on her bed for the final time?

The only way she could tell that her fingers were moving was from the distinctive crack her joints made from rubbing against each other. Exposed now that her once beautiful tan skin has peeled away from her body- still being mourned despite it being gone for about a year now. She can't move her eyes anymore but can still see, cursed to stare up at the same ceiling she has been waking up under the entire 30 some years she's been on this earth. It used to be a happy routine to wake up in such a soft bed and instantly be pampered like a princess. She used to have the best dreams of revenge in this same soft bed.

But now she can't do anything, in the time it took for her to think about her past crimes she lost the ability to move her fingers- to know if she even had them any more. So she attempts to close her eyes again, failing and realizing she doesn't have eyes to close. She's just there now. Unable to move because there's nothing to move, her body has rotted to dust. She can't cry but she can almost feel the memory of tears rolling down her cheeks at her failed escape. How was she still trapped when the body was gone?

It was almost as if Andie Rosslyn never had a soul to begin with.

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