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November 1st, 1977

I had woken up feeling frustrated and sad at the events of yesterday.

It wasn't what I had hoped for, I mean, I wasn't expecting anything to actually come from the date, but it still angered me.

Thankfully, Reggie had been there after the date went to crap and we had made plans this morning.

So I pushed out all thoughts about last night, out of my head, and got dressed for the day.

I pulled on an oversized tshirt, a pair of jeans and my jacket, my harness pulled into a ponytail and my face was bare of any make up, since I wasn't trying to impress anyone today.

"Hey Parkinson, what are you doing?" James Potter asked from his spot on the sofa as I walked into the common room.

"Off to hang out with Reg." I smiled over at him as I walked past him and over to the portrait door.

"Have fun!" He called after me.

As I exited the Gryffindor tower, I was met by a smiling Reggie, holding a hand full of chocolate frogs and Cauldron Cake.

"I don't remember you having anything to apologise for Reg." I chuckled as he handed me the treats.

"I know, but I figured you'd be in a pretty bad mood today, so I wanted to cheer you up." He shrugged as I put the snacks in my pockets.

"And this is why you're my best friend." I grinned, hooking my arm with his and pulling him away from the portrait.

We spent the morning eating my treats, talking and laughing about Merlin knows what, and we just had fun.

Which was something we haven't exactly done for a little while.

We got so wrapped up in our hang out, we almost missed lunch, so laughing down the corridors, we headed to the great hall.

"You wanna set together?" I smiled as we exited.

Before Reggie could answer, someone called out his name, and we looked over to see a group of Slytherins.

Reggie looked at me with an apologetic look, and I smiled.

"I have to go, but I'll catch you up later, Jo." Reggie smiled as he disappeared, rushing over to the Slytherin table.

Before I even had a chance to blink, Lily appeared in front of me, a small smile on her face.

"So, how was it?" She smiled as she began to eat, "did he show?"

"What?" I asked, looking st her confused.

"Richard Thomas, did he show?"

"Oh, no, he showed up, four hours late, to tell me WHY he stood me up." I growled, feeling my frustration build again.

"Well, what did he have to say?"

"He didn't show up because Sirius Black had apparently gone round tell all the boys bit to go out with me other wise he'd beat them up." I growled, my eyes scanning the room, as if looking for someone, probably Sirius.

I'd Risk It All For Your Love (A Sirius Black Story)Where stories live. Discover now