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Novermber 10th 1977

Today was the day of the first quiddich game of the year, Gryffindor VS. Hufflepuff and, as usual, I was freaking out because the game always, always became the Seekers' responsibility to win it, especially since Gryffindor had been unbeaten since 1974/75, the year I became seeker.

Once I was dressed, I headed down to the great hall, spotting James and Lily sitting at the table already.

"Morning Cap!" I cheered excitedly as I sat across for the two.

"Morning Joey, you ready for the game?" James beamed when he saw my smile and nod.

"Good luck and make sure you get a decent breakfast Jo, it's important you're at your best. " Lils smothered as she passed me a plate of food.

"Absolutely, got to make sure the smallest and fastest seeker we've ever had is in top form!" A new voice spoke up, and when I turned around, I saw Sirius and Remus walking closer to us.

"Arse." I muttered, picked up a bean and throwing it at him, making him and the boys laugh.

"I'm not that small, you know." I huffed, folding my arms.

"Of course not, little Joey, you're just the right size." Remus chuckled as he sat beside me, Sirius, on my other side.

"Where's Peter?" I asked, looking around trying to see him.

"Idiot's trying to talk some girl into going to the party with him." Sirius laugh.

"Don't be so mean, Sirius. Peter is sweet. He just has a strange way with the ladies." I chuckled as I continued eating.

Not a second later, Peter arrived, sitting next to James, a sad look on his face.

"Girls stink." His huffed.

"Wow, I'll try not to take that personally." I joked, pouting a little at the smallest of the Marauder boys.

"Sorry Jo, I just meant... I just want a girl to go out with me and... will you go to the..." Peter began but was cut off by Sirius, who threw an arm around my shoulder, shaking his head, making me laugh a little.

"Look, Peter, I'm sure you're a good guy, but you're really not my type. Besides, Reggie and Sirius would kill you if you ever hurt me."

"Not to mention Lily and I." James laughed, nudging his friend slightly, making us all laugh.

The rest of breakfast with the Maurders and Lily went by pretty quickly and after a quick 'Hello' to Reggie on the way to the Quidditch pitch to get ready, the entire Quidditch team was sat in silence, listening to James give us all a rather inspirational team talk.

"All right, team, it's our first game of the year, and the house cup is ours if we play like we did last year." James grinned excitedly as he looked at us all. " Don't worry about winning too much though guys, just go out there and play your best, if we win, we win, if not, them who cares four undefited years is pretty damn good if I do say so myself."

"Let's go out there and make it five unbeaten years, am I right?!" I yelled exctedly as I held my broom up, the rest of the team, including James, joining in with a cheer.

We all walked out into the tunnel and waited, listening to the crowd outside cheering excitedly.

The door in the tunnels opened, and the noise of the cheering became louder as we all hoped on or brooms and took off, flying to the middle of the stand.

Before I knew it, the game had kicked off, and we were flying around the pitch, Hufflepuff putting up quite a game.

After a long gruelling game, we were 40 points up, and I was fast to find the snitch after losing it a fair few times.

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