13 2 7

"Say hi to god."

It was the only sentence she could muster up. Looking at her ex-boyfriend. Smiling at her while on the brim of death, made her uneasy.

Right when the bomb went off, she turned around. She couldn't stand to see it happen.
She turned around and didn't look back. Before it hit her.

She didn't want him dead.

Even with everything he had done,

She still loved him.

And with that thought, she quickly called 911 and said that he had tried to kill himself with a bomb. Not talking about anything else he had done, or tried to do.

Eventually, she could hear sirens, and only then did she turn around.

One. Bloody. Mess.

At least his body parts weren't scattered or anything. Which wasn't to expect. Hey, it was wasn't a real bomb, was it?

She answered a few questions that the police asked her, but refused to go into the ambulance with JD.

She knew she couldn't handle seeing him any longer in this state. And besides, she had some unfinished business in the school.


JD could feel himself waking up, but he kept his eyes closed. Seeing as yesterday was Friday, he could just sleep in, right?

Well, his body thoughts differently. He didn't feel sleepy at all. And not to mention that his eyes were slightly opening on themselves, but they immediately shut after seeing a blindingly bright white. That continued for some time. JD opening his eyes for a moment, and then shutting them immediately.

But finally, he was able to open his eyes for longer than 5 seconds, and they were able to adjust to the bright light. and he was able to look at the ceiling. But he noticed something, it wasn't cracked, like his bedroom ceiling was. Had his dad moved to a new state without even waking him up?

JD sat up, and immediately regretted that action as he could feel pain swatting it's way through his body.


JD whispered before opening his eyes, looking around at what seemed to be a hospital room. He immediately felt confused. The last thing he remembered was going to sleep after a long day of kids nagging him by calling him emo.

JD just decided to lay back down until someone entered his room, this time he didn't make the mistake of sitting up to receive a slap of pain.

JD looked at the person that entered his room, it was a brown haired woman with her hair in a high ponytail, she didn't look that much older than JD, 20 at max.

"Oh, you're awake! That's good."

The woman smiled at JD with a look that showed sympathy.
"You're very lucky to be alive."


She seemed taken aback by JDs answer.

"Uhm, yes. Do you not remember what happened..?"

JD thought for some time, but he just couldn't remember anything that could've led to this.
"..no, I don't think so."

"Okay, well, what's the last thing you remember?"

"Well, I remember that it was Friday, and I was in my room, in my bed, listening to music.. and daydreaming before probably falling asleep."

As he looked back at the woman, she could see that she wrote something down in a small notebook with a worried face.
"Okay, do you remember your name?"

"Yes. Jason Dean."

"Do you remember your dad?"

"I do, and my mom, but uh.. she isn't really here anymore."

"..right. What about your childhood?"

"I remember it."

"Okay, a more simple thing, do you remember your age?"

"Yes, im turning 17 in 3 months."

This made her look up at JD. With an even more concerned expression.
"Jason, you're 17 years old. I think your memory might have been, damaged."

JD looked at her with shocked eyes. He swore when he went to sleep he was 16. But if that big of a chunk of his memory was gone, something bad must have happened. Something really bad.


Veronica was walking around Westerburg. It had been a month since JD had died. And she wasn't doing any better. She still had nightmares of it. And somewhere, deep down, when she thought of what he had done to her? She was glad he was dead. So when she heard heather McNamara tell her:

"JDs still alive! He's in the hospital!"

She didn't exactly feel happy. She acted like she was, but she felt herself get angry.

And that's the first thing she thought when she was driving to the hospital in the car. She wondered why he was still alive. How he was still alive. And she felt her anger grow and grow. Remembering more and more reasons that she hated him.

She tried to calm herself down as she went to the front desk. Trying to not look like a threat.
"Do you know where Jason Dean is?"

"Are you family?"

"Euhhh.. yeah. I am."

"Okay, Floor 7 room 264."

Veronica thanked the person at the front desk and decided to take the elevator. Then it hit her that she had only been in this hospital once when she was a kid, and has absolutely no idea where everything was.

She took her time to find his room, smiling at people that walked by and enjoying the fact that everyone in this hospital seemed nice.

Until she was at the door, 264.

She took a deep breath, and then slowly pushed open the door.

She had expected JD to look at her, then turn angry and scream at her, manipulate her into being with him again and doing bad stuff again, or to give her an entire speech about why what he did was right and how "fucked up" society is.

But none of that happened.

All she saw was JD. Laying in his bed. Asleep.

He looked peaceful, if you didn't count all the scars and the few burn marks on his body.

She looked at him for a bit, until deciding to sit down in a chair at the side of the room, next to a counter.

He has tons of wires connected to him, to monitor how he was doing, and keep him alive.

Seeing this, Veronica felt a slight bit less angry. She was still angry, but less.

It had been definitely more than half an hour when JD slowly woke up. And Veronica could feel her anger getting bigger again.

A/N: HEEEY I WROTE ALL OF THIS OUT OF PURE BOREDOM!! BUT SERIOUSLY SHOUOD I CONTINUE THIS?? Okay that's enough caps but I'll definitely work on this story when I'm bored as that's when I'm most creative.. but like if you did read this please tell me your thoughts pookie!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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