Chapter 1 Part 10 'His parents'

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Blue looked behind Cyan and into the hallway, he frowned. He started to get up, sliding off the bed.

Cyan turned around getting up, and walking into the hallway and pressing himself over the railing slightly. He smiled at seeing his parents, it was around 7 PM so they were home.

Cyan's father was a businessman, working to be the boss of some medium sized company.

While his mom worked at a salon, both great parents. Cyan would smile, he quickly walked down the stairs and hugged his dad.

Cyan's Dad would smile back, hugging Cyan and patting him on the back. "Hey kiddo.. How was school?" Cyan looked up at his father "Good, Uh-" He looked back at the stairs, staring at Blue who was standing at the top awkwardly. "Blue is here.."

Cyan's father looked up at Blue, waving. "Hey." Blue would wave back slowly, he felt awkward. Cyan's mother hung her coat on the coat rack before looking at Blue.

"If you'd like- You can help us with dinner." She rolled up her sleeves, smiling warmly. Blue looked at Cyan then to everyone else, slowly smiling.

"Sure- What are we making?" He started to walk down the stairs, not holding the railing.

Cyan waited by the stairs, watching as his parents moved into the kitchen. Cyan's mother moved to the fridge "Fish filet, with sides of macaroni, and peas."

Blue walked into the kitchen with Cyan, looking at his mother then his father who was grabbing the skillet in the cabinet. Cyan stayed by Blue's side, looking up at him. "They're nice people.." He nudged the clearly uneasy Blue.

Blue looked down at Cyan.. He didn't know how to act around his parents after so long.. They definitely looked different than when he was a kid. Blue nodded "Uh.. Yeah."

He stepped forward, smiling at Cyan then to his mother. "Do you need any help?" Cyan's mother looked back at Blue, handing him a stick of butter. "You can butter the pan." She smiled at Blue, before looking back in the fridge.

Blue looked at the stick of butter in his hand, looking nervous again. He looked back at Cyan, Cyan was right behind Blue, smiling and pointing forward at the skillet on the stove.

Blue looked back forward, why was he so nervous now? He didn't exactly.. Like parent figures for obvious reasons- But it wasn't like they were going to hurt him.

Was he just scared of messing up around them? Maybe he wanted to give them a good impression after seeing them after so long.. Yeah, to impress them.

Blue walked over to the stove, looking at the skillet as Cyans mom walked over with the fish.

He then pressed some of the butter on the pan, watching it sizzle and bubble on the pan. Blue then stepped back, watching as Cyan's mother put the fish onto the skillet, now holding a metal shiny specula.

Blue glanced at Cyan's Dad in the corner of his eye, then promptly took a step away and towards Cyan.

He was uncomfortable with men as old as his own father.. It was silent until Cyan's mother spoke again. "Go into the pantry and get me some peas and the macaroni Cyan."

Cyan turned and walked towards the pantry, leaving Blue alone even though the pantry was only a few feet away. Blue looked uneasy again, glancing away from Cyan's parents, staring at the floor.

Cyan's Dad spoke up "Why don't you set the table?" Blue looked at Cyan's Dad, nodding silently. Looking around the cabinets, which one was it again? Blue's dad stepped aside, pulling out the silverware cabinet.

Blue promptly smiled and nodded slightly, walking over and started to get forks and spoons for everyone. He then picked up a knife out of the cabinet, staring at it in his grasp.

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