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POV Suyu

"Let's give up.. I have to go to history class now", i said after searching that girl for 30 minutes.

"Me too. Let's go together", So do en said and smiled at me.

I smiled back and took his hand to go. He went up some stairs while i struggled following him because of my crotches. He noticed and went back to help me. He took my crotches and dragged them to the end of the stairs. After that he came back again and carried me in bridal style up the stairs. I got so red and he seemed to notice. He put me down again and crouched down infront of me.

"Get on my back"

So did I.

"Thank you" i said.

"No problem".

He piggybacked me to the classroom. Although we were one of the last people entering the classroom our favorite seats were still free so we took the seats at the back in the edge.

"Thank you so much", i said.

"I saw So do en piggybackin her. Do you think they're together?", we heared a girl some rows infront of us say.

Why can literally nobody here whisper properly.

"Didn't you hear that she sprained her leg? Any boy would've done the same.", a boy next to her said.

I felt someone staring at me but i ignored it.

Soon we've begun with our class.


The bell ringed. Everyone stood up and ran out of the classroom while i still packed my things.

"Do you wanna go eat ice before we go home?"

"Yes sure i just need to tell my driver"

I took my phone out and wrote him.

"Tell him that he can drive home already i can drive you home later."

"Oh, thank you"

"No problem"

He took my hand and led me to the ice man.

"Which ice cream for the couple?", the ice man asked.

"Oh we're n-"

"Vanilla and cookies and cream with wipped cream please", so do en said.

"The same for me please but without the whipped cream", i said after he looked at me.

He didn't take long to prepare our orders when he was done we took the ice cream and set down on a bench in the park.

"You made a mistake you should've took whipped cream too."

"No i dont like it"

"Try", he let me lick off a bit of his ice and it really tasted great.

"Hey there is a new theme park opening on friday. Do you wanna go there? I have two VIP tickets"

"Yes sure"

We talked for one hour and it got dark.

I felt stares at me again, but i felt safe because i was with so do en.

"Come on let's go home."

I nodded. We went back to school where his motorcycle was. I froze.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes i just expected a car not a motorcycle"

"Oh dont worry I'll drive slowly".

He helped me getting on the motorcycle and then got on himself.

"Just grab my waist and you should be fine".

I grabbed his tshirt because i was to shy.

"No really wrap your arms around my wrist or you will fall down".

I wrapped my arms around him and held on tight.

He started driving and i got scared and he giggled so i git really red.


"Thank you for driving me home i really appreciate that", i said.

"Sure, sleep well"

"You too"

I said before turning around and going in the house.

"Miss Y/N why did u coms so late??", my maid said.

"I was with somebody. Don't worry", i answered.

I went pass her and laid on my bed.

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