Chapter 1

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Run. The only thing I know how to do. Bring what you need and run. Run away and you're problems won't follow you, but as time went on I came to learn that the further you run from you're problems, you're further away from the solution.

When I was 14 I shifted for the first time. Our family wasn't werewolf. Well not from the generations that I knew of. My mum couldn't come to accept me so one morning she was gone and the only thing left was a note and a credit card that she would put money on monthly for me and my younger sister via.

I don't understand why my mum left. But I later knew why. In England there were no werewolves. So as soon as the council found out about me they sent me to America. I escaped before they could run any 'tests'. Since then me and via have been all over the place looking for a place to stay. A place that we would be accepted.

I am now 16 and with my 8 year old sister walking through the forest together.

"Coral? will we see mum again?" Via asks. Via always asks about mum. I can tell she misses her.

"I'm not sure via" is my simple response as I carefully step over a tree root.

Ever since I shifted I knew I wasn't a normal werewolf. Because in the past few years I have come across rouges. Their coats are all Browns, blondes and gingers. But I have never seen one gold wolf. My wolf is called Lucy and she is a gold wolf. No, not the blonde gold but a shiny sparkly golden color.

I know to try keep away from other werewolves because they would try use me for the powers I have found. They consist of healing, mind control, mind reading and controlling matter.
So basicly I can lift anything I want and heal people. And I am also a telapath.

This can be useful in some cases, like when I have control over my emotions. But there are times where I loose the control I need, To keep all my powers strictly in check. Let's just say if you find a random hole in the middle of the forest that was me.

I sniff the air and smell wolf. I don't remember passing the boarder. Shit.

"Via sis, I need you to get on to my back." I say nervesly. Via nods in understanding and clambers up onto my back. I quickly take out 2 stirrup irons and atach them onto my belt. I tie my belt loosely incase I need to shift.

I crouch down and put my hand to the floor using my heightens senses to look for danger. I feel small vibrations slowly getting more violent. And with that I leg it. I sprint with inhuman speed through the forest. But the wolves are faster. One jumps and cuts me off. I snarl and run to the right.

'Okay via hold onto my fur and stand in you're stirrups.' I mind link her. I feel her move her feet around to put them into the stirrups. After about half a minuet her feet are securely inside. I smile to myself and shift mid-step. I feel all my bones crack and pop and before I know it I am running full speed ahead. I feel the other wolves shock and use it to my advantage and shoot like a bulet toward the boarder.

I push myself a little harder and make it across the boarder and run through the trees. I love being a wolf, the rush is just amazing. I slow down to a stop and feel for the vibrations of wolves paws. I feel none.

'Okay via can you get off please' I feel her nod and I crouch down making it esyer for her to dismount. I shift back and go through my younger sisters back pack taking out a spare pair of cloths. I put them on and sit down.

"Was that a close call!" Via asks and I smile. She is so cute.

"Yes via it was" I reply and she smiles. I open up my arms and let her snuggle into me. I sigh and smile and kiss the crown of her head. I feel her smile agains my chest. I wish Via didn't have to go through all this shit with me. I wish she could be normal like I was supposed to be. I watch as her breathing slows and smile. I go into the bag and tie the rope around her waist. I tie the middle to my waist and put the bag onto my back. I let my claws extend and I begin to climb up the tree. Once I get high enough and find a steady branch, I tie the end to the tree trunk and sit with my little sister in my lap. I smile down at her and let darkness consme me.


I hope you enjoyed this... Please comment and tell me if I should continue. Thank you :)

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