Chapter 5 - Not such a Pleasant Reunion

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That morning the open drapes in Blaise's room woke him instantly. He rolled over to check the time and groaned loudly before heaving himself out of bed. He had two options; wake Hermione or wake Draco, he decided on the second option, and padded quietly to the room of his best friend. "Wake up you ugly git," the dark skinned male shouted as he entered. "Fuck off man! It's not even 10 o'clock yet!" The blonde grumbled before pulling his comforter over his head. Blaise smirked before gripping the two bottom corners of the cushiony duvet, yanking them hard. Draco shouted in protest but bolted upright, "For Salazar's sake Blaise!" The younger of the two males started laughing as he ran from the room, darting around the girl in the corridor to avoid crashing straight into her. "Blaise what did you do?" Hermione asks, chuckling. "Nothing at all.." He responds smirking at her. "I'm going to kill you, you absolute bastard!" Draco shouts as he comes stomping out of his room, shirtless with his pants riding low on his hips. Hermione gasps quietly and her cheeks flush pink, as she tries not to stare at him. "Right, well I'm going to get dressed," she informs them before quickly returning to her room. "I hate you," the infuriated blonde snaps as he punches Blaise in the chest before walking back into his room and kicking the door closed.

Within half an hour the three of them were standing in the foyer waiting for the twins' parents so they could go to diagon alley. "Come on mum, hurry up," The older sibling calls out as he notices his mother at the top of the stairs. "Honestly Blaise it's like I have two daughters and not one," Adriana teases her son. Draco and Hermione snort simultaneously, the latter blushing furiously when the former shoots her a smirk. Their reaction prompting Blaise to glare at the two of them before pouting at his mother. "You don't mean that do you?" He asks his mother, faking a sad expression. She laughs and shakes her head at him in exasperation before opening their front door and stepping outside. The three teens follow Adriana before linking arms with one another and apparating straight into Diagon Alley. Hermione turns to her mother with a smile on her face before she grabs Blaise by the arm and pulls him into Flourish and Blots. Leaving Adriana and, a grinning, Draco follow close behind. "What are the names of the books we need this year?" Hermione asks her brother, he frowns before rummaging in his pockets for the list of supplies. He reads them out for her and she disappears, coming back around 10 minutes later with 3 copies of each required text. She hands them off to her brother who makes his way to the counter with his mother to purchase them. Draco having already handed off the necessary money to Blaise, waits for the mother and son duo outside with Hermione.


Meanwhile Harry and Ron had just watched the three students through the window of the store and were quite shocked to see 'the pretty girl associating with Death Eaters', as Ron so eloquently put it when voicing his thoughts to Harry. "I wonder who she is," he says to the dark haired boy who was still watching. Suddenly Harry span round and to pretend to be in deep conversation with his best friend, as to not look suspicious, when the strange girl walked out of the store.


Ron being the pig that he is decided to go and torment her, "I see Malfoy and Zabini got tired of Parkinson, you must be their new slut. I see they upgraded." Hermione gasps in shock as her old friend sneered so viciously at her, But before she or Draco could respond her brother stepped in; having heard the whole vile speech. "How dare you speak to my sister like that, you ginger prick. How dare you call her such degrading things," he snarls at the now wincing red head, his usually bright cerulean eyes having darkened considerably in anger. Hermione gently puts her hand on her brothers arm, squeezing it to bring him back to some semblance of propriety, "He's not worth it Blaise, come on we still have to get new robes fitted." Adriana then comes out of the store, wearing an expression of confusion as follows behind the twins who turn away and walk towards Madame Malkins. Draco steps in behind Adriana, shooting glares at both boys as he does so. "Blaise calm down, it's okay," Hermione says as she tries to console him, the dark skinned male was still shaking with anger. "No it's not okay Mione!" He snaps, his clenched fists still shaking uncontrollably. "What just happened Darling?" Adriana asks, her eyes wide with confusion. "Well it seems as if Ronald hasn't the maturity to let go of his prejudices against anyone who associates with Slytherins and "Death Eaters"," Hermione explained to her mother careful to use air quotes. Blaise scoffs and throws a vicious glare over his shoulder at the sneering ginger, "Fucking prick," he mutters savagely, "Not only did he call you multiple absolutely vile names, he didn't even seem to be wondering where you are Hermione," Blaise hisses out, his body ridged with fury.


Ron huffs indignantly, before turning to Harry, "How was I supposed to know she was his bloody sister!" he grumbles. Harry sighs, rolling his eyes before responding, "Well you shouldn't have even said anything Ron, she hadn't done anything to you. What would Hermione have said? She'd be disgusted with you and you and I both know it." Ron glares at his best friend for mentioning the bushy haired girl, whom neither of them had seen all summer.


Hermione thanks Madame Malkin before taking their bags and walking out of the store, "Let's go home, I'm tired and I think we're done here anyway." Blaise nods in agreement, whilst Draco grunts in her general direction. The twins' mother smiles and grasps hands with her children, before apparating the four of them back home. The minute that all their bags were packed away accordingly, Both Hermione and Blaise collapsed on their beds and passed out. Draco however sat awake for another few hours, it had become a sort of habit since Hermione had come to Zabini Manor.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2017 ⏰

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