Chapter 3 - Apologies

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Hermione and Blaise ascended the staircase together, playfully pushing each other every few steps. Draco hadn't followed them, instead he sat in the living room sulking to himself over the coldness she had shown towards him. He couldn't blame her though as he had been the one who'd made her previous years at Hogwarts miserable. Blaise pointed to a large mahogany door on the left side of the landing and turned to his sister, "That room is yours Sorella." Hermione gasped as she opened the mahogany door, the largeness of her room shocking her into silence. " This is my room?" She asked still in a state of shock. "Yes Mione this is your room," Blaise replied smirking a little at her reaction. "But it's huge... Ohmygod.. Is that a walk in wardrobe?!" She yelps freaking out a little as she runs towards it. Blaise laughs at her and follows her but at a slower pace. "Yes it is," he answers smiling at her reaction.

Hermione pulled open the door to the wardrobe and squeaked in shock. She wandered inside her eyes widening as she took in all the different clothes and shoes. "Are these all mine?" She asks her brother, pure shock on her face. "Yeah.. Mum went a little overboard on this. There all tailored to shrink or enlarge to fit your frame," he explained smiling at her as he pushed her towards one of the racks. "Go on, try something on." She blushes having not even thought of trying anything on as she'd been too shocked by the wardrobe itself. Hermione bites her lip and looks around the shelves scanning for something to try on. She picks out a short summer dress, in Emerald green. Blaise rolls his eyes at her and she sticks her tongue out playfully. "What? I like green," she mutters stepping into the changing room that the wardrobe had. She pulled the dress on before coming back out and smiling at her brother. "Do you like it Fratello?" She asks him biting her lip nervously. "Sei bellissima Sorella," he told her smiling widely. "Listen Mione... Draco's not a bad guy.. Can you just give him a chance to prove it and make it up to you?" Blaise asks his eyes pleading with his sister.

"Blaise.. It's not that easy," She murmurs looking up at him her eyes shining with unshed tears. "I can't just forgive him for the 6 years of hell he put me through.. He made me completely miserable," she continued the tears starting to trickle down her face. "Mione.. Please don't cry.. He might be my best friend, but he isn't worth your tears," Blaise promised as he pulled his sister into a tight embrace. "I'm sorry Sorella," He murmured into her hair. "I wish i could have said something but mother wouldn't allow me to," he kissed the top of her head gently. "If i had i could've endangered you even more." Blaise continued. "It's not your fault, and i will try to give Draco a chance," Hermione replied smiling up at her brother. "Come on, he probably wants to talk to me anyway," she continued pulling her brother out of her room by the hand. "Rallenta Mione you're gonna pull us down the stairs," Blaise teases her. She sticks her tongue out at him and lightly punches his arm, before muttering, "Dick." He sniggers at her and when they reach the bottom he pulls her towards him and starts tickling her. She shrieks and tries to twist away from him her efforts ending her up on the floor. "Blaise you're an arse." She mutters glaring up at her older brother as he helps her up. "Yes, but you love me," he says smiling goofily at her.

Hermione glares again before flipping him off and continuing on to the drawing room where Draco was still sat sulking to himself. She bit her lip gently before walking further into the large, spacious room; closer to Draco. "Draco? Um i wanted to apologise for how rude i was to you earlier. It was uncalled for and i shouldn't have said the things i did.." she murmured trailing off as he look up at her, his startling silver blue eyes shocking her into silence. He blinks as he processes what she said to him, shaking his head slowly before he answered. "You shouldn't have to apologise Hermione. I'm the one who should be sorry and I am. I'm sorry for all the trouble i caused you, the hell i put you through, but most of all I'm sorry for not realising that you're Blaise's sister," He muttered looking down at his knees feeling ashamed of himself. She smiled and sat down next to him putting her hand on his knee and squeezing it gently. She bit her lip again as he met her chocolate brown eyes again. "I forgive you Draco.. But it will take time for me to become comfortable around you," she explained gently, shocked by the tears that had formed in his eyes. "Thank you.. for forgiving me," he murmured looking up at her smiling gently. The way he was looking at her, made her heart instantly melt.

sei bellissima sorella - you look beautiful sister

rallenta - slow down

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