28- puppy behaviour

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I walked into school, still half-asleep, and saw Tweek by the classroom with Craig, Token and Clyde. As I was getting closer, I had no idea if I should say hello or not, to Tweek I mean. I shifted my gaze between the floor and them. When I got closer, Tweek smiled and waved.

"Hey, Y/n!"

I stopped and looked at him. A bit awkwardly, I replied.


Craig and Clyde stayed in silence. Token cleared his throat and spoke, avoiding my eyes.

"I'll see you afterschool."

I nodded and headed into the classroom. I could hear them talking behind me.

"What's that about?" Clyde asked Token.

"I told you, it's because of his parents."

I sat down and suffered through the first class. And after a short 10 minute break that I spent looking outside the window, the second class went by as well. Lunch finally arrived and I packed everything as quickly as I could to go meet up with Kenny. I was about to leave the classroom when Tweek called out for me. I looked back to him. He walked away from his friends to come closer to me.

"If you want, you can join us for lunch."

"Oh..." I looked behind him to see everyone else with a not so excited expression. "Thank you, but I've been eating lunch with Kenny."

"Oh!" He looked surprised. "Oh, of course, sorry! I forgot! Have fun then. We can hang out later."

"Yeah, I'd like that." I smiled and left. The whole way to the storage room, I couldn't help but smile. It was nice to have Tweek in my life again.

I walked into the dusty room. Kenny popped his head up when he saw me and smiled. I got butterflies when he did, it seemed so genuine. I sat next to him and took out my lunch, a ham sandwich with some other things that my mom had quickly put together for me. The moment I took it out of the plastic wrapper, Kenny's stomach growled. I looked to him and he looked back embarrassed.

"Do you... want some?" I asked holding the sandwich out to him.

"Oh no, don't worry about it" He pushed it away but his stomach complained again. He gulped.

"Just take it, you're clearly hungry"

"But then you won't eat..." He gave me a sad look.

"Here" I broke the sandwich in two and gave him half. He grabbed it and took the smallest little bite ever. I couldn't help but chuckle. "Just eat, why are you being so dramatic?"

"I feel bad! I'm stealing your food."

I shook my head and we both dig in. I used the opportunity to tell him about my unfortunate situation with Token and my parents. He just heard what I had to say and occasionally nodded his head understandingly and letting out a few "yeah" and "that sucks".

When we finished, he cleaned a few crumbs from his lap and got in a more comfortable position. I yawned tired. The last few days, I hadn't been getting the best sleep ever. Kenny noticed and taped his lap. My cheeks grew red.

"What?" I asked embarrassed.

"Lay down." He smiled and tapped it again.

"You're so weird." I scooched up next to him. Even though I was supposed to rest, I felt more awake than before. I felt my throat dry up and my heart beating faster. I felt something on my face and flinched. Kenny held his hand up.

"Sorry, did I hurt you?" He asked quietly.

"No... I just wasn't expecting it."

He started caressing my hair and lightly playing with it. It felt very comforting. It calmed me down enough for me to close my eyes. I heard the noise of kids far away playing and screaming. The scent of dust felt familiar. I don't think I slept but I did rest. Maybe it was some sort of meditation. Just the two of us focusing on nothing else besides just existing next to each other. Enjoying each other's company.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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