⋅☆-SHUT UP!-☆⋅

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Balloon's POV:

The sound of the portal hurt my ears as I went through. Nickel was in front of me and I bumped into him. "Wahh! S-sorry!" I exclaimed, trying not to upset him. He groaned at me, by the door of the kitchen stood a tall glass of Orange Juice.

"Two eliminations?" He walked over. OJ didn't really like either of us. "Well, you two gots room 16, floor 2."

"'Two'? Wait.." Nickel stared at OJ with wide eyes. I looked over at him, His face was an expression of anger and shock.

"Yes" OJ threw me the key "Get up there, I already got y'all's stuff up there y'all left here."

"Oh, thanks OJ" I smiled trying to seem friendly.

"Get going, Airhead" Nickel growled. I walked over to the elevator, Nickel was stalking behind me like a cat. "What are you waiting for."

"R-right." I stammered a wave of fear rushed over me, I was scared of him in a way I didn't know how to comprehend. I pushed the button for the 2nd floor and felt a gaze burning into my side. I turned to see Nickel giving me a death stare.

Nickel's POV:

I stared at Balloon. His salmon color stood out against the white walls of the elevator. I growled to myself hoping he didn't hear. I hated him. Now I gotta share a room with him! I despised him and OJ knows that.


"2nd floor... Balloon murmured to himself. I stared at him. Why did he look concerned? Was it because he shared a room with me? Probably. Just then the doors open. Balloon floated over to the door and unlocked it. Inside was a large room with orange-striped walls and a dark maroon red carpet. There were two large beds, they had a black trim, recently fluffed pillows, and large neatly tucked, blue sheets.

Balloon was wandering the room. He jumped up and slowly floated into his bed, which was the one closest to the door. "I like it here.." Balloon spoke in a low tone.

"Shut up," I growled. He looked over at Balloon, he didn't seem to care though he did look a little hurt. "ugh." I went over to my bed and sat on it. 

"Confey bed..." Balloon seemed lost in thought and I rolled my eyes. 

"I told you. Shut. Up." I growled at him, Balloon always was timid around me. Good. Balloon didn't seem to hear him as he started mumbling to himself.

"I wonder what they're doin' right now..." I was just in earshot to hear him.

"Shut up!" I shouted. Balloon stared at me wide-eyed and I stared back with annoyance.

"S-sorry.." Balloon got up from his bed and headed to the shower. I felt.... weird after yelling at him. I felt... guilty. No, no, no he deserved it.

Balloon's POV:

I walked into the bathroom. Shutting the door behind me I feel weird. I'm used to being yelled at but something about being told 'Shut up! ' by Nickel felt weird. He's told me it before but not with so much anger. I realize I'm holding back tears. What is goin' on with me? If Nickel finds out he'll just bully me... I think to myself.

"Stupid. Why didn't I hear him the first time." I growl at myself. Trying to mend our friendship is the priority (for me at least) but how can we if he still absolutely despises me? I sigh hoping he didn't hear me. "ugh.. Stupid Balloon." I stand up and turn the warm water on.

~TIME SKIP: After shower~

I get out of the shower and slip on the tiled floor. "EEP!" I squeak as I land on the floor. "Ow." I rub my head. I flick water off my ear and sit up. When I look up I hear the door open.

"Get." Nickel pushed me towards the door.

"Right.." I walked over to my bed and took out a book from the nightstand. It was a romance novel. "Hmph. Already read it..." I'd talk to myself while trying to find the book I hadn't read yet.

-BANG- followed by a groan told me Nickel had slipped also. I walk over and open the door. Nickel was stirring around trying to get up.

"Stupid coin" I laugh. I put my hand on his head and lift him up to a sitting position, he glares at me with a look of hatred. But I could see something else... I can't make out what it was though.

Nickel's POV:

I looked him in the eyes, trying to seem angry but it was kinda hard. His pastel-yellow eyes gleamed with concern. "You OK?" I heard Balloon say. I realize I've been staring.

"I'm fine," I growled, grabbing a towel and stalking out of the room. WHAT WAS THAT!? Why were you STARING AND AT BALLOON OF ALL PEOPLE?! I shake my head and sit on my bed.

"You sure?" Balloon exited the bathroom. He had a concerned look on his face.

"I'm OK. And DON'T call me a stupid coin." I shout at him. Balloon flinches at my tone of voice and stalks to his bed and tucks himself into the sheets. Falling asleep quickly.

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