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Your main passion Is singing and music, it's what you lived for and when you joined choir in 6th grade, you thought you'd ought to be in heaven. Belting like nobody heard you and singing like there's no tomorrow. At every choir concert, you try out for solos and watch people gasp in admiration as you hit each note perfectly. 


The bell rings and you grab your music and walk off of the risers And out of the door. You were a sophomore in high school and had been in choir for about 5 years now, time flies. Your choir concert was tonight after school and you were silently nervous because you had gotten the huge solo in the last song of the night. You were singing a solo with a kid you didn't know from another school, but still, it was bigger than any solo you'd sang before. Your choir class and the choir class across town were performing in a huge auditorium for a big audience with lights and microphones. Seems like a dream come true. 

You knew all of the kids in the choir class at the school across town quite well as you had seen them at concerts many times before in past years. 

The school day ends fairly quickly and you grab everything you need from your locker. School has been dismissed for the day and the quick footsteps of a few kids running down the hallway in order to not miss their bus echoes through the halls as they pass you. You meet your friend and you both walk towards the bus that would transport everyone to the auditorium where you'd be performing.  

The large group of kids that are your fellow choir students climb onto the bus and soon the bus is moving. You and your friend are talking furiously about the night and excitedly exclaiming about the concert soon to come. When you arrive at the auditorium you run off of the bus because it's beginning to rain outside and the raindrops had pounded on the bus windows. When inside the large building, you were instructed to sit in the auditorium for rehearsals. 

You sang through the rehearsal songs in the empty auditorium with ease until it was time to sing your solos, you stepped down the risers to your microphone and realized that the kid you were singing with wasn't one you recognized. "He must be new.." You thought, "that's weird, the director doesn't usually pick new kids for solos, oh well then." You made eye contact with him as you both stepped down and realized he's actually kinda cute. You both sang your solos, and to your surprise, he sounded amazing. He nodded at you as the rehearsal ended and you were dismissed to get dressed in formal attire for the concert. You went to the bathroom and dressed into your tight, short black dress with black heels. When you emerged from the lady's bathroom you spotted the kid, standing quite alone against the wall. You made your way towards him and he immediately waved to you and said hi. You blushed as you aren't used to much male attention, but he just seemed so genuine and cute but a bit nervous at the same time. Suddenly, you both heard your choir director call everyone into the auditorium to prepare for audience members to arrive. You both walked into the auditorium, and sat down in your assigned seats as people began filing in. He was sitting in the chair right in front of you and you stared at the back of his head, admiring how shiny his hair is. He suddenly turned around and said hi to you again. You blushed and asked him his name. "(Y/c)," He said. "I'm (y/n), nice to meet you!" You said, smiling back at him. Your friend was sitting next to you and she could be a bit loud and outright at times, but you trusted her not to say anything as she watched the entire conversation go down. There was a ring of chatter through the auditorium as you waited for the Junior choir to arrive up stage first. Then you heard a voice next to you, "Oooooh! He's cute! You should ask for his snap! Wait.. what's his name?!" Your friend said, rather loudly actually. (Y/c) turned around in his seat and had a small smirk on his face as you gave your friend 'the look' while blushing profusely. "His name's (Y/c)," You said, through clenched teeth. 

The lights dimmed and the junior choir took the stage. They sounded beautiful and you stared in admiration at them. Then, you noticed (y/c)'s head turn around. You looked at him and he was staring right into your eyes. You smiled sweetly and he smiled back, still staring. When he finally looked back to the stage you couldn't hold back your giddiness. It exploded inside of you like something you hadn't felt before. When the choir was almost done, he turned around again, except this time, when you looked at his eyes, they were traveling up your body. "Oh damn, he's checking me out," You thought. You smiled at him again and, by this time, it was time for Sophomore choir to go up on stage. 

You sang your heart out, and the energy of the boy was all you needed to sell those songs to the audience. Then, the last song rolled around and you both stepped down from the risers to the microphone. A feeling of nervousness crept over you and scraped the inside of your chest. Solos were usually pretty hard for you, for some reason. The thought of over 100 people watching you, was scary. To say the least. All of a sudden, you felt him touch your hand as you stood before the microphone and he whispered, "you got this." 

You sang the solo with him and harmonized so well, it sounded angelic. After the solo, the concert was over and you walked to your parents through the crowd so they could drive you home. As you made your way towards them in the crowd, someone caught your hand. "(Y/n), Wait," (y/c) said. "You sounded so amazing tonight..... and you look beautiful." He blushed and you stared at him straight in the eyes. You impulsively grabbed his face and kissed him full on the lips. When he reciprocated, you didn't except him to and it took you by surprise. You pulled away and hugged him around the chest. He hugged you back and whispered, "goodnight my love" before looking in your eyes, smiling, and exiting the busy auditorium. 


Fun Fact: This story was actually inspired by something that happened to me yesterday, I had a choir concert last night, lol. Everything in this story actually happened except for the kiss and the stuff after that. He just complimented me in that same wording (I memorized) and gave me a high five? Lmao. Boys my age are so weird- 

Anyways, home you enjoyed this crush imagine! 

Crosswordgal Xx

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