★彡[ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 07]彡★

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"Just get in the house Jenn" i said laughing and moving to the side so she can get in.

I swear like this girl is so dramatic. After Jenn got into the house, I closed the door behind her and went into the living room to find a movie to watch while we eat, as soon as Jenn sat down, I put my legs on her lap and she looked at me crazy.

"Kyah. we talked about this bro." Jenn said. "Talked about what?" I said playing a random movie.

After putting the movie on I started taking out the food and dividing it between the both of us. As I finished setting down the food I noticed Jenn staring at me.

"Whatchu looking at me like that for" I said making eye contact with her. "Cuz I wanna look at you" she said pulling me closer into her.

"What? You think I'm sexy?"I asked her smiling.
"Yeah." she replied with a smile.


"Kyle hurry the f*ck up your about to miss your appointment and Jenn's already there, let's go" I said standing in Kyle's room watching him run from his closet to his bathroom.

"you already look ugly as sh*t let's just go" I said again rolling my eyes.

"Shut yo bird eyed as* up Kyah, I'm already ready." Kyle said pulling up his pants and leaving the room.

"Bum as* b*tch" I mumbled as i followed him out the house.

We both got into Kyle's car because after his appointment we were going to see our parents before our trip.

Once we finally got to Ana's salon we said hi to Jenn and I went on my iPad to edit videos and respond to emails while they were both getting their hair done.

~About an hour and 45 minutes later.

I woke up in Kyle's car to Kyle tapping my shoulder to wake up saying that we were at our mother's house.

Our mother lived in the same house she lived in before, when her and my father were together.

I got all my stuff together from the car but was too tired to get up and walk down the street to the house so I sat in the car laying my head back on the headrest.

"Kyah let's go ion feel like staying outside right now it's mad hot." Kyle said from outside of the passengers side window.

"I don't wanna get up, I'm still tired." I said looking at him from inside of the car.

"can you-"" no get up""ple-""Kyah let's just go bro."

As we made it to the front door, It felt nostalgic seeing the old pinkish-reddish house I'd lived in before I moved to Jersey.

Kyle knocked on the door.

As soon as Kyle knocked on the door the curtain from the window closest to the door opened and closed.



The front door finally opened revealing our father who daped Kyle up into a hug and looked at him confused seeing me on Kyle's back.

"Kyah whats wrong wit yo legs that you can't use em?"

"She just being a big as* baby and ain't wanna walk down the street to the house" Kyle said rolling his eyes and adjusting me on his back.

"I had to sit at his hair appointment and edit videos and answer emails. I was tired" I stated shrugging my shoulders rolling my eyes at them.

"Who you rolling yo eyes at lil girl?" our father said crossing his arms "you ain't to old to get popped."


Soon two little kids ran to the front room.


I jumped off of Kyle's back on to the floor to give my younger siblings a hug after not seeing them since the first day I arrived in NY.

"we missed you guys so much" our little sister, Kasani said hugging me and moving onto Kyle behind me who picked her up and hugged her while i hugged our little brother, Hakeem.

"So you just magically not tired no more?." Kyle said.

"Kyle this is not the time for your lil sassiness. okay?." I said standing up and sliding my slippers off and making my way to the kitchen where my mother was dancing and making food.

"Hey ma, whatchu in here cooking?" I said hugging her and lifting the lids to the pots to see what she was cooking.

She slapped my hand."little girl I know you not in my kitchen touching my pots and my food you know."

she looked at me like I was crazy and sent me to go to the living room with my other siblings.

Kyle looked at me and started laughing "What happened Ky what ma in there cooking" he said laughing harder.

I looked out the window with a shocked look on my face.

"KYLE LOOK AT YOUR CAR!" I said acting shocked as Kyle stopped laughing immediately and ran to the window to look for his car only to see his car sitting there exactly how he left it.

"That's sh*ts not funny Kyah worda my dead." he said sitting back down on the couch.

~ 4 hours later

"But i don't wanna go to sleep" "Kyle and Kyah's still here" Kasani and Hakeem said with tears in their eyes.

I kneeled down in front of them.

"it's ok, yall don't gotta cry me and Kyle is about to leave anyways." i said trying to get them to stop crying before we left.

"look y'all still got our numbers on y'all iPad right?" Kyle asked them.

they shook their heads 'yes' sniffling. "Then yall could facetime us tomorrow before we get on our flight, aight?" They both wiped their faces and gave everyone a hug good night before heading to their rooms.

Me and Kyle said good night to our parents and started walking to Kyle's car.

"you probably tired huh Kyle?" I asked Kyle. " Nah i'm good, why?" He asked looking at me "you know i could've drove us ho-""HELL NO" "why not?" i asked him." you could f*ck up anyone's car but mines"

"you guys are so dramatic" i said rolling my eyes opening the passenger side door getting ready to go right back to sleep for the drive home.


Hey yall, I know yall been waiting for this for the longest ever but i'm trying to finish this chapter and the next so yall could have them both so I'll try to upload the next chapter as fast as possible! Byyeeee see you next chapter 🩶❕

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