Chapter Three | The Forest (Part 2 of 2)

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          You excuse yourself from the hospital call left on-hold, tell them you'll pick up the results later, and set the phone aside. 

          Then, you prepare yourself for whatever Sans plans to joke about next, though not before slipping the dollar he'd given you into one of his jacket's pockets.

          "Considering the closest clinic that knows how to care for humans is three hours away from here, I've been entrusted with your health, til you're back in good shape."

          You're a teacher.


          You had to pass Intermediate English to graduate.

          So, why is it so damned difficult for that sentence to make even a shred of sense?

          You try piecing each word as cautiously as you would with a puzzle of a thousand and one pieces. Denial makes it incredibly hard on its very own, but being aware of the inevitable makes it much worse. You don't want to be taken care of again, that's for sure. Once was plenty for a lifetime, and you would prefer if you didn't have to see the one responsible for that more than you would be seeing your child with each day, now that they'll be in school for most of the time while you'll be busy working elsewhere. Though Sans apologized for contributing to your rocky start, and has acted kindly with you – ever since Frisk near forced him to – you're not ready for whatever this is.

          "...What?" you blurt out, after a while of silence. 

          "I'm gonna be your doctor til you get better," he replies, mirth in his tone and irises. "And til the hospital who called you has space and resources to care for you properly."

          "If this is a joke, then-"

          "It's not."

          You cross your arms, look away, and swallow your pride as you stare at your feet.

          "...I hate this," you mutter, trying to stop yourself from saying anything else.

          But with the last drop of poorly-brewed patience having evaporated a long time ago, you can't.

          "I came here to start over, to give Frisk a better life, and yet… All this stuff happened – one after the other," you state, tearing up. "It wasn't supposed to be like this. This… wasn't supposed to happen." You stop yourself with a breath in and another out, hands shaking as you uncross your arms and stand up straighter. "I'm sorry I pulled you into this mess." You step closer toward him and grab his shoulders, pushing a smile. "I appreciate all you've done for us, but… I really can't ask you to be my doctor. I'll- I'll drive to that clinic you mentioned and-"

          "That's not gonna happen."

          He stops you with a firm hand over the one you'd injured with the glass, the sting you feel as he takes the bandage off and presses your finger against his palm aiding in ending your rant.

          "It's gonna be alright," he says, not a trace of humour present in his voice. "I get where you're comin' from, but that's not necessary."

          He grabs your hand and stares at the wound.

          "I'm guessin' it was a bad time to share the news with you, so, uh…" He chuckles. "Let's discuss this later." His thumb presses against the cut, and you see his irises light up when you hiss in response to the pain. "...For now, lemme treat your finger a lil' better and help ya clean up the mess."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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