Chapter 16: Reprise

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Cobalt used its healing magic to bring Nathan and Elz back to mostly healthy. The two looked at each other tears in their eyes and ran to each other hugging.
   "Shall we save this planet?" Elz asked, "That seems like the next adventure to do."
   "Of course! We just need to prepare our tools, food, and weapons," Nathan responded.
   "There is a crashed ship not far, and the dwarves could help fix it!" Elz said excitedly. "We can bring life into this planet again!"

   Nathan and Elz then went to the dwarf arena to ask for help and a red haired dwarf came forward. Over the next few days they built and learned with the dwarf. Her name was Camella and she was also ready to being back the life. The aliens did not find the dwarfs but her family who were scavenging the osais near the aliens.

   Camella had shoulder length curly red hair, one pitch black eye, and a love for steak. She also had a knack for building and was very good with gadgets and gizmos. By the end of the week they had the spaceship ready. Nathan and Elz scavenged the caves for some more weapons amd found some. They also packed lots of food. Soon Nathan, Elz, Cobalt, and Camella were off to the alien planet.

   Luckily because the ship was from the alien planet, which turned out to be named Niela it had a tracker home. And so the three were heading to Niela.

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