Chapter 19: Impurities

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   Emma ran towards Elz, as the spellmaster continued to rip into the universe. Wisp used his own magic to slow the spellmaster's progress. The world around them started to shift as things quite literally got deleted. Elz clashed blades with Emma again and again. She cast a magical barrier which Elz floated through and continued to attack her. However with his back to the wall Emma was able to push him back and he had to phase to the other side to avoid her.

   Wisp started to attack the spellmaster directly and the two clashed in the sky, a colourful array of magic exploding from thier fingertips.
   "Impure, impure!" The spellmaster shouted. "Everything is impure and must be cleansed!!"
   He tore into Wisp with renewed strength, Wisp screaming in pain.
   "The only way to fix this world is to turn it into a limbo!!! Then I shall begin my rein over a complete void where I can have complete control!!!' The spellmaster shouted, almost frantically and scared of his own power.

   Elz was able to pin Emma for a second and her eyes flickered. For that second the spellmaster seemed to regain control, his eyes wide and scared.
   "What am I doing?" He asked before Emma  punched Elz off her and he returned to his infected state. Elz lunged at Emma.
   "What is wrong with you?!" Elz yelled. "Cant you see your not in control?! You must save us!"

   Emma backed away, bringing up her sword to protect herself and tried to hide away. Then Elz jumped at her and had her cornered, but the spellmasters blasts of power struck him and destroyed both of thier weapons, and they both tirned to see that they were staring into complete nothingness. Wisp was on the ground dead. There was too much power to control. The spellmaster was in the air still spweing power, and limbo was coming.

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