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Me and Silvia have known each other for the past month. She is friends of my friends. She was introduced to me at the second week of college.

We are in the same dorm. My room is next to hers'. Each room accommodates four persons.

Right now I'm in my bed. I've ditched the last hour and came to my room.

Aaaaaaaand Silvia..... is on top of me.

I am flabbergasted. Have no ideas what's happening or what she's thinking.

I mean, we were friends for the past month. We hang out with our friends on a daily basis after classes, all of us eat together, we play or chit-chat when free. But now.... I don't know...

Besides being introduced by her friends she became close with me, cause we live in the same dorm. She has even slept in my bed a few times.

For me, I like women but I haven't come in terms with it myself. I have never been with anyone. I haven't figured out my sexuality yet.

But she, she has a boyfriend from her high-school back in her town. She should be straight right? Or Bi, who knows.

But this, all of a sudden.

She also ditched her last hour cause I told her I'm ditching it. She came straight to my room. We were lying in my bed, talking. There was a small silence. She lifted herself up on her elbow, look directly in my eyes for a few seconds and then captured my bottom lips on hers'.

She was kissing me.

I don't know what to do, cause I have never kissed a girl before. I don't know if this is right. My mind went blank and I froze. After a few seconds I slowly started kissing her back, loosing my conscious.

She climbed fully on top of me and started kissing me more passionately.

Me, lost is the ecstasy of the kiss, started kissing her more fiercely. My hands started roaming on her body on their own. It landed on her hips, going under her t-shirt and feeling her skin. They roamed on her freckled back, feeling all the curves and the bumps.

Her lips left mine and went to my cheeks, kissing me all the way over to my ear and to my neck. She started kissing all over my neck. Her hand came to my breast and just rested there, not doing anything.

The sensation was sooooo good. I felt escalated. I want her lips on mine. So I lifted he chin and connected our lips again. Her hand that was on my breast started moving, kneading it.

I gasped on the sensation. It didn't take more than a second for her lips to capture mine again making my breath shudder.

It was over whelming. I wanted to feel all of her.

I turned to my left and laid her on her side not breaking the kiss. Her left leg came on top of mine, pulling me closer.

My right hand went to her abdomen, lifting her dress up in the process and roamed her sides and her butt.

When her tongue entered my mouth, ravaging mine, my right hand came flat on her stomach and slipped into her panties.

She stilled and pulled back at the sudden contact. When I opened my eyes to see her face, her eyes were closed, her breath shuddering.

"You are wet" I said stating the obvious.

"You think?" she teased opening her eyes.

She nodded starring directly at my eyes like giving me a 'go ahead' sign.

I started slowly circling around her clitoris. She was trying to kiss me, but couldn't cause she kept gasping due to the stimulation. I kissed her once on her lips and started going down her jaw to her neck, slowly giving open mouth kisses.

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