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Yoongi entered the studio and sat on the chair, he didn't feel like doing anything now

But Something caught his attention and it was none other than Taehyung's dairy, he picked the dairy and was about to open it but something stopped him

He shouldn't open other's dairy, right? Or can he?

But his curiosity doesn't leave him without reading it, he hesitantly opened the dairy and took the first page, it was empty

He flipped the page and it goes on, he finally found a page which was written, he found song lyrics on it, he got disappointed

He flipped the next page and it was also written but not any lyrics, his curiosity grew more

He was about to read that but isn't it rude to read someone's personal things? But he wants to

Dear dairy,

Today I feel stupidly happy, i don't know why, but is it because i met my soon-to-be husband? Anything but after two years I got a chance to meet Yoongi, yes my love, my one and only love.
I wanted to hug him and kiss him so badly but i can't*pout*

I want to cherish him with all my love but i can't, i want him to forgive me but he won't , then who will forgive me after what I did to him?

Uff... anyways I'm happy and I'm fine.

Yoongi pouted reading that

He want me to forgive him that badly?

He flipped another page but it was also filled with lyrics, he sighed and flipped a 10 pair of pages and started reading the page he had got, he checked the date and it was written recently like 2 days ago

Dear dairy,

I don't why but I feel like i want to hug my Yoonie now
He is so stubborn, wow, how can someone be this much stubborn

I wonder how much stubborn will our child be....

Wait....what did he mean by 'our child'? Yoongi thought and srunched his nose

Wait why did i talk about our child? I have to say our children right?
*Mischievous smile*

Yes , children! Hehe

Yoongi sighed being shocked but not surprised

He stared at the dairy and flipped another page but what he saw made his jaw drop on the floor

It was a baby's drawing with "I hope my and Yoongi's baby will look like this"

But Yoongi couldn't deny the fact that he loves the baby's drawing

Love Me Again [TG/Taegi] ☑Where stories live. Discover now