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Yoongi closed the dairy and throw the dairy on the place where it was already, he still couldn't believe that the younger made a future plan for them itself

He pouted angrily and glared at the dairy

“how dare he!” he sniffed angrily while crossing his arms

Suddenly the door opened revelieving a sad Taehyung

Yoongi got confused on thinking why is he sad
"Wae are you sad?"

Taehyung pouted and fiddled with his fingers

"So?" Yoongi asked while raising his eyebrows, "did he beat you up or something?"

"He-he-" Taehyung sluttered and cutely said, "he scolded me"

Yoongi heart melted by seeing Taehyung's cute voice,  he noticed Taehyung's pout which made him go aww In mind

Yoongi slapped himself mentally and gulped, "So?" He asked acting cold, "Do you want me to beat him or something?"

Taehyung heart fluttered hearing those words from Yoongi's mouth,"no no" he looked at Yoongi with innocent eyes, "i-its okay"

Yoongi just silently nodded his head and Taehyung just walked towards him and sat on the chair

"You know that the concert is coming soon so we have to do our work complete as soon as possible" Yoongi started and looked at Taehyung with an serious expression, "So we have to start rehearsals from today" Taehyung just nodded without saying anything

They both did their work and the day passes to night, both of them went to the apartment, Taehyung turned the lights on and after freshing up, they both started cooking but the place was silent, the sounds of vessels and boiling can be heard

Taehyung wanted to start a conversation so he took a deep breath and started talking, "Hyung?", He was really nervous about even talking to his hyung

Yoongi looked back at him and asked, "Yes?" Yoongi heart fluttered but he didn't show anything, he don't know why he feels like that but it feels like- something strange, that he never felt

Taehyung felt his heart racing but he took a deep breath and looked into Yoongi's eyes, "Hyung? Do you ever loved me?" He asked which made Yoongi numb, Yoongi didn't know what to say, the truth or the lie

"Huh?" Was all the Yoongi could say, he didn't know what word to use for answering Taehyung's questions

"Hyung, pls i know you don't love me anymore, i know I did wrong but i didn't mean it" Taehyung saw Yoongi's numb expression and he knew that Yoongi feeling something off, "That day- i really didn't mean to do that but, don't i deserve any second chance?

Everyone deserves one hyung, pls don't be so stubborn, i know it's hard for you to trust me but I am sure that if you give me a second chance, I will make sure you are happy, I will keep you safe from all the harm

I'm just a coward hyung, but trust me I can keep you happy forever and ever, i love you so much hyung, it's over the universe, no one can measure it coz it's made for you"

Taehyung ended his confession and Yoongi surely have no idea what to do, he know that he should give a second chance to Taehyung, but he is so confused at the same time, did he love the younger?


I'm alive💀

Long chapter right?

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