Chapter 1

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Stiles cursed, heart pounding as he cupped his stomach. Panting as he ran, he stumbled through the woods, knowing it was just a matter of time before the were chasing after him caught up.

He had just been wandering aimlessly when the alpha demanded to know what he was doing in his territory. The blond had then started stomping toward him smelling of rage. So naturally, he ran.

He couldn't run anymore now, yelping as he was roughly grabbed. He was turned and half dragged, half frog-marched through the preserve toward a huge house he Hadn't seen before.

Derek sat his desk, looking over paperwork he needed to fill out and other things he needed to do as the Alpha werewolf of his pack.

He was interrupted when one of his betas informed him that one of the Alphas on patrol had found someone on their land and was bringing them in.

Derek got up, heading downstairs and out the front door to confront this intruder but his frowned deepened upon seeing this person.

Stiles Couldn't stop the high pitched, almost sub vocal whine of distress that was leaving him almost constantly. He could feel bruises on his upper arms from the rough handling, his knees shaking as tears rolled down his face. He was rambling between whines.

"Let me go! Let me go! I wasn't doing anything, let me go! Listen you giant shitfuck" he yelped as that made the grip tighten. "Oh fuck you" he snarled in return just before another whine started leaving him.

Derek growled before he even thought about it, getting everyone's attention "Release him." He demanded, his voice echoing, arms crossed over his chest as he stepped closer.

Stiles unconsciously slid to his knees as the asshole finally pushed him roughly away. His hands came up to cradle his bump protectively, eyes locked on the pissed of Alpha standing in front of him, even as he tilted his head just enough to talk to the other. "You didn't have to chase me, drag me in here, and shake me around ya giant dick. I ran because you threatened me"

The other just rolled his eyes. "You better be glad I didnt rip your throat out, omega" he snarled.

"Jackson." Derek growled dangerously. "What the hell is wrong with you? We do NOT treat Omegas like that" he growled, almost daring the other Alpha to challenge him.

Derek stepped around the omega to stand between him and Jackson. "What is your problem? He's a pregnant omega, you idiot" he growled again, feeling himself getting more and more angry.

"Hes an unbound" Jackson sneered at Stiles again, nose in the air.

Stiles flinched, curling around his stomach. It was very taboo for a pregnant omega to not be mated. Not that Stiles had had a choice in the matter.

Derek growled again, advancing on the other Alpha. "That's none of your damn business, I suggest you get your ass in the house before I have to make you."he warned.

"Everyone go on back inside " Derek said after a moment, watching everyone else obey.

Stiles watched as the others walked away, Jackson grumbling and glaring before turning to stalk toward the house. He didn't move except to lower his eyes to his stomach.

Derek sighed, he and Jackson were going to have major words later. "I am sorry." He said, voice soft as he turned, holding a hand out for the Omega.

Stiles looked up, chewing on his lower lip as he watched him warily. He saw the soft look in his eyes before reaching out a hand to take the mans. "You're not the one that almost put me in pre term labor"

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