i. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐇𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐭

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i. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐇𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐭

𝘖𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘢'𝘴 𝘗𝘰𝘷;



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Why do I do this job

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Why do I do this job.
I say in my head as I make eye contact with Jake and G.
Pushing my way into the elevator, I waited as we got up to the construction floor.
As of course, I was the last to arrive.
I spoke up to the rest.
"excuse me? Is this the ladies conference because all I see is a bunch of ladies".
"Nice Humor." remarked Gordon.
"That's what I'm here for, right? Besides, you know being the best hacker around" I shrugged, as i dramatically flipped my hair.
"Right fellas and of course, my beautiful adoptive daughter, we've got less than an hour. Let's go" voiced Gordon.

With that confirmation, I left to head to my post, thinking silently about the consequences of what could go wrong. What if I mess up, what if I get shot again? No, don't think that Olivia, it's just a normal bank job. You're used to this. Ghost isn't here.
I finally made it up to my designated area and hooked up my computer burner in the nearest blind spot.
"Alright takers, can you hear me?" I inquired. "All good Liv, do your thing." replied John. That's the go.

I began to hack into the elevators, giving the rest of the takers the signal to begin. I switched to the bank's cameras to watch the plans unfold.
The guys began yelling at the people inside the bank to get down.
My eyes fell on a girl wearing the cutest Chanel set. "Oh, I want that. hey Jess, could you find out what she's wearing" I whispered.
"oi Fashionista, it's not the time to be asking what some hostage is wearing, no offence." spoke Jake.
I rolled my eyes and began looking around. "John, on your left. Ms. I wanted to save the day and pressed the silent alarm. You've got around 60 seconds to get out." I warned.
"45 seconds, or I'll be visiting you all in your 4 by 4 cells."

The ground team began to work even faster. "Come on guys, let's get out of here." quickly spoke Jake.
As they walked out, Jessie threw up a peace sign to the camera to signalise the mockery. That was my sign to quickly destroy all evidence, meaning my laptop and make my way to the helipad.
My heels click, as I quickly throw on a large sun hat to conceal my face.
I opened the door to the helipad and was met with AJ making his way towards the helicopter. "You sure you can fly this frat boy?" I yelled. "Sure as hell Via." Aj screamed back.
I smiled at his ability to always be confident in himself.
Ruckus was heard from behind me, knowing it was the rest of the takers.
I quickly jogged towards Aj, who handed me his hand to step into the helicopter.
I won't deny that I didn't ignore the way Aj looked. Anyone would. He looked amazing, Olivia. Focus.
"Get us out of here" yelled Gordon.

We arrived at our destination, behind the Hollywood Sign.
AJ hands me the c4 to blow up the helicopter. As he does, we made eye-contact.
Something about the way he looked at me made my heart skip a beat.
Maybe 2, maybe 10.
Everyone began to walk away, signaling the success of our heist.
The helicopter blows up behind us, Gordon was always a sucker for theatrics.
We began to load the money into Gordon's Jeep.
"Guess that's it, I'll meet you all at the club. Got some errands to run". I spoke out to everyone.
"Hey Olivia, I can take you. I have nothing to do, plus it gives us an excuse to be together." Aj Volunteers, as he whispered the last bit.
I nodded as we made our way away from the scene, before anyone reported the fire.

"I missed you today, Livi. I wish Gordon had stationed you up there with me."
voiced AJ.
"It's cute you're obsessed with me and all, but I can't let the crew know I have a soft spot for a fedora wearing frat guy" I replied.
"Fedora wearing Frat guy?" laughed AJ. "Yeah that's me and Jessie's name for you. You have the humor of a sleazy frat guy and the looks of a 1920's flapper." I remarked.
"Ouch, that hurts my feelings.
Can't have my soon to be wife making fun of me with my bestfriend's brother." AJ voices. I hit his arm as a response.
"What errands do you have to even do?."
"I didn't have any errands, i just wanted an excuse to be alone with you so Gords didn't question me" I revealed.
"How did you know that I would offer to take you?" AJ questioned. "Come on, i know you. You like me and I like you. It was quite simple," I uttered.

After I finished my sentence, Aj moved his free hand to my leg, leaving it there for the entire drive back to our shared home in Beverly Hills. I gently lay my head onto his shoulder and drifted off. As I drifted off, I began to think about things that could go wrong. Everything felt so perfect, it felt off.

 Everything felt so perfect, it felt off

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𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐒𝐚𝐲𝐬...

I kinda have a love, hate relationship with this. Idk if I like it. It's also unedited so please tell me if there's any eras 🫧🤍

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